1)Lets meet The Nandini Murthy and The Manik Malhotra [Edited]

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Delhi, the vibrant capital, stands as a testament to opulence, hosting affluent lifestyles, prosperous individuals, and a sophisticated society that places public relations on a pedestal above all else. Children, growing up amidst luxury, often find themselves in the company of nannies, as their parents are preoccupied with either revelry or the pursuit of wealth, leaving little time for familial bonds.

Nandini Murthy, a gifted vocalist, initially held a profound love for her family. In her eyes, the world comprised her mother, father, and herself. However, as the journey of life unfolded, the once vivid picture of her happy family started to blur, especially after the tempestuous event of her mother's passing. It was a tumult that turned her life upside down. Nandini perceived herself as an orphan from the very day her mother departed, as her father began immersing himself more in his office affairs, chasing after money, fame, and materialistic pursuits. This, she believed, was his coping mechanism, a diversion from the grief of losing his wife. Unfortunately, this shift left a ten-year-old Nandini to navigate her world alone.

In a bid to showcase himself as a responsible father, he remarried within a year of his late wife's demise. However, amid the glitz of fame, the spotlight of success, and a seemingly content married life with his second wife, her father lost sight of the ten-year-old who was once his princess. To ensure her further studies, Nandini was sent to Australia, severing ties with Delhi, a place that held precious memories of quality time spent with her family.

Over the years, Nandini evolved into an independent woman, despite the luxury afforded by her billionaire father. She never forgave him, but she never harbored hatred for him either, out of respect for her late mother. Just when she found solace in her newfound happiness in Australia, her father, seemingly remembering his daughter after a decade, called her back.

 Music became her sanctuary, a passion her mother had always envisioned her pursuing.

Nandini, having constructed a protective shell around herself, retained a resilient spirit. Life had taught her not to expect anything from anyone, having faced rejection from her supposed family. She professionally kickstarted her music career under an alias, receiving an outpouring of love and support.

 For Nandini, one principle remained paramount: never place trust in anyone too easily and never allow oneself to become excessively attached.

Loneliness, for Nandini, did not equate to depression. Instead, she learned to embrace solitude, finding contentment within herself. Even in a foreign land, she clung to her roots, steadfastly following her late mother's principles. Her belief was steadfast - she preferred to construct her own world, refusing dependency on others.


Mumbai, the city of dreams, beckons countless individuals in pursuit of their aspirations, whether in the glitzy realm of Bollywood or the cutthroat business world. In this bustling metropolis lived Manik Malhotra, a rockstar hailing from the second wealthiest family in India. Born into affluence, Manik embodied the complete package, excelling not only in academics but also showcasing extraordinary musical and athletic talents.

Despite his demanding schedule, Manik's family adhered to rules set by his grandfather, emphasizing the importance of staying close-knit. Having topped his class at ST.Teresa, Manik marked his presence in his college SPACE with exceptional achievements, embodying the qualities of a Greek god. Though desirable to many, it seemed he awaited a special someone to enter his life and reshape his world.

In his second year at SPACE, Manik took the helm of the band FAB5, a group that transcended mere friendship and felt more like a closely-knit family. Widely renowned as the most popular guy in Mumbai, Manik's charisma left girls swooning at a mere glance. An extrovert by nature, he reveled in meeting new people, finding joy in spreading happiness. His grandmother's teachings served as a guiding light, urging him to be a source of illumination in the lives of those around him.

Manik held his family close, exhibiting a sense of protectiveness towards them. An infamous prankster, he often left his teachers befuddled with his harmless yet entertaining antics. Admiring his parents' enduring love story, Manik held firm beliefs in lasting relationships, steering clear of casual flings.

A true friend in every sense, Manik was ready to go to great lengths for his loved ones. Fab5 was not just a group of friends; they were family to him. 

He despised pretense and placed utmost importance on trust in relationships. 

As one side emphasizes the significance of trust, the other side grapples with the challenge of placing trust in others. 

As for Manik values trust, Nandini struggles to trust anyone. Lets go through their journey which unfolds as these two worlds meet, embarking on a love adventure never seen before.

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