15) I'm Nandini, no Beyonce

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Navya : Sir, you now can clearly see that she has not bought Music just because she is rich and she is not a detractor she is veracious , who speaks the truth and the truth speaks for itself 

Everyone was shocked to see that person getting up and saying something everyone was shocked to see that person speaking in favour of her but Cabir had a smile , he knew why Navya had spoken so harshly with Mishra  . Navya had always respected elders but could never hear anyone insulting someon's music , here she had defended Nandini because she had protected her from Mishra and somewhere created a soft corner in Cabir's heart and definitely won over Navya.

Mishra was shocked to see one of the brightest folk student blaming him , he blamed Nandini for all the accusations being put on him . He knew if he would scold Navya then Fab5 would get on him so he decided to ignore her and again target Nandini

Professor Mishra : What do you think of yourself ? Do you think you are Beyonce? You all rich brat just sing English songs to show off and brag about yourself . If you are a real singer then I challenge you too sing in front of all students in the auditorium your own song but mind it Miss.Richy Rich Girl you may have a lot of money but you are shallow , just like your rich mother who may care only about money , you are manner-less as during the time when your mother should be teaching you how to respect elders she might be busy in spending money, you women cant do anything  .........

His session of demeaning Nandini was interrupted by Nandini

Nandini: Firstly I am Nandini and no Beyonce or richy rich girl , just cut the crap I don't need to proof myself for anyone but since you are so excited to make me sing so I will perform after the break   and never again make a comment on my mother or my music 

[note: There is no intention of demeaning or insulting Beyonce , she is one of my favourite singers too . Here this statement means that Nandini believes to be herself unique just like the add where all children say they are first themselves. Do not get offended]

She got up and moved towards him 

Nandini: Respect is given to those who deserve it not to someone who keeps on asking for respect 

I can respect your music but never you

With that Nandini moved out of the class with  attitude not even bothering to listen the shit spoken by Mishra 

With that the bell rang and Mishra was about to leave when he was stopped by Mukti who warned him to stay in his limits . 

Even Manik warned him to keep his mouth in control or he would never be able to speak again not even about his own mother 

Fab5 were shocked to see Mukti and Manik so concerned for someone but chuck it off thinking that they did not like the insult on anyone's mother ,  they all headed to the cafeteria with no intention to attend the next class after so much of drama.

Manik was lost he wanted to go to Nandini and comfort her but had no excuse to leave . Cabir could understand his dilemma and so he thought to make an excuse for him

Cabir: Manik don't you remember you had some work , you had told me to remind you 

Mukti : What work do you have Manik?

Manik: I don't know what are you speaking about 

Cabir felt to bang his head with the wall how could he tell that idiot 

Cabir : Manik nan nan nan

Manik then got that he was saying about Nandini he thanked his stars for having a friend like Cabir 

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