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For Nandini life had been altogether different , she had changed with time . Nobody who had seen the bubbly child around then might have envisioned that she would change to such an extent as of with time she had canvassed herself in a shell and after 10 years she interestingly felt that might be she also could grin in Manik she could see the bubbliness and shrewdness that used to be her qualities. She had concluded that he unquestionably was one example and could be hurtful for her since he had the option to bring various feelings of Nandini so she chose to keep a separation from him.

IGI Airport Delhi

Manik Malhotra was never a timely riser , he adored his rest and nobody could deny the way that he wanted to rest and eat . His folks were shocked when they found that their child needed to fly back to Mumbai from a 9 am flight . his folks were certain that something important should unquestionably have happened that manik chose to get up , they were hesitant of going right on time as they had another gathering to join in so they advised Manik to go alone as they will not have the option to get the flight

Manik was an extremely enthusiastic individual and once he understood what he needed he put all that he needed to get it . One grin only one little grin of a young lady had passed over Manik such a lot of that when he became acquainted with that Nandini planned to concentrate in SPACE and was traveling to Mumbai by a morning flight he didn't squander one moment to book a ticket on the flight , he was so urgent to invest some alone energy with her that he called the air terminal authorities to appoint his seat close to her

He, when all is said and done, couldn't comprehend what was befalling him, why he was unable to get her crazy yet all he knew was that he would need to successfully fulfill her . He was falling head over heels in love for a young lady he barely thought about aside from the way that she was a hero taking on conflicts inside herself

Nandini had never gotten love or care besides from her mom , she was a princess for her mom yet time had changed there was a period where her mom dropped her to her group in every case except know there was nobody there she was remaining solitary hanging tight for her taxi to come , she would not like to live more in that chateau any longer , she felt suffocated and after the previous evening she was certain that she needed to take off from the house ASAP she was unable to live in a house where there was no regard for her mom

Arriving at the air terminal Nandini found a message on her telephone from Yash , she felt energized on the grounds that somewhre in the tinniest corner for her heart she felt possibly he was as yet her Dad who needed to wish her karma for her new excursion who needed to apologize that he couldn't drop her or reveal to her why he was unable to have invest energy with her yet whom was she anticipating from . He had informed her requesting her to move in a chateau in Mumbai since he had a picture to keep up and needed nobody to put a finger on him Nandini was disturbed however she realized that he was not, at this point her Dad he was simply Mr.Murthy the CEO and proprietor of Murthy domain and she was only a pawn for him, 

Forgetting this she chose to not allow him to influence her she chose to hold herself and embrace another excursion.

Nandini was perched on her seat with her eyes shut when she out of nowhere felt somebody's quality as she turned she was stunned to see the individual sitting right close to her , he was non other than Manik , she needed to keep up distance however here he was sitting next to her

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