5) Manan Meet ;The Wine Splash[edited]

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Manik felt a strong attraction towards the young woman, which clouded his thoughts and made it difficult for him to focus. He was eager to help her but was unsure of how to do so without causing any complications. His primary goal was to bring a smile to her face and see her happy.

 With this in mind, he decided to first establish a friendship with her before attempting to address any of her concerns. He wanted to approach her with admiration rather than pity. Her voice, filled with emotion as she sang, resonated deeply with him, and he recognized her immense talent as a musician. Driven by determination, he searched for her in the hall, but she was nowhere to be found.

Desiring to see her smile and be happy, Manik took a stroll in the garden and made the decision to become her friend first before offering any assistance. He was determined not to offer help out of pity but rather out of genuine admiration for her strength and talent. He found himself captivated by her voice, which conveyed a unique depth of emotion through her music. With his background as a musician, he could sense her remarkable talent and was drawn to her even more. With determination, he set out to find her in the hallway, but she was not present in any of the gatherings.

Feeling perplexed by her absence, Manik pondered her whereabouts, realizing she wasn't the type to engage in idle gossip or linger in crowded spaces. He surmised that she might be seeking solace in a quieter spot. With a frustrated sigh, he concluded that she was not one to conform to societal norms but rather preferred moments of solitude away from the noise of the crowd.

Manik: "Hello there, may I say, you look absolutely stunning tonight. Would you consider adding to your radiance with a smile? Remember, there's no tax on happiness, and even if there were, I'd gladly foot the bill for you."

At the charity event, Manik boldly approached Nandini, who stood alone, a solitary figure amidst the crowd.

Nandini: "You know what? I don't respond well to unwanted advances, so please, just leave me alone."

Manik: "Oh my, your charisma is truly remarkable. You're like a force to be reckoned with, just like an M16."

Nandini: "Enough with the flirting. If you continue, you might find it hard to see straight."

Manik: "Oh, darling, I'm well aware of my charm. But a little flirting never hurt anyone. It's good for the soul, like yoga. So, let's keep it light."

Nandini: "Enough! Or you might end up with more than just a stain on your not-so-perfect face."

Manik: "I'm not afraid of a punch, madam. It's love that truly makes my heart race."

Nandini: "You should know that red wine stains are not easy to remove."

Manik: "Ah, I'm well aware. Thanks for the tip, but I think I'll pass."

Nandini: "You might want to reconsider, considering your pristine white outfit might soon resemble a canvas for fine red wine."

With a mischievous grin, Nandini emptied the entire bottle of red wine onto Manik, who had only intended to engage in playful banter.

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