21)I am a vampire

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Space college 

Today Professor Mishra was very happy , his plan of Nandini's destruction was going to start .The only problem he had with Nandini was that she hurt his ego and her song added fuel to the fire . After so many years of teaching experience he got this one girl who was so different and open , according to his orthodox thinking girls should not be so bold and free. He had this obnoxious thinking that a girl always needs to be dominated. He belonged to another generation but that did not give him the right to judge her

Like always Nandini was again late for college , she had this problem that she could not sleep throughout the night and felt sleepy only in the mornings her body was taking a lot to accumulate in new surroundings . She was rushing through the corridors when she banged with someone . She did not have time so she started to move ahead when she was stopped by a hand , she turned behind to see someone whom she did not know 

Boy: Don't you have manners tinny girl , you collided with me apologise right now

Nandini rolled her eyes in irritation and tried to take her hand out of his grip but he was not that weak 

Boy: Apologise and then I will leave you 

The boy tightened his hold on her hand

Nandini : I don't have time for all this crap I will deal with you later 

With that Nandini started to move towards her class that she suddenly felt someone again pulling her .This time she lost her cool and punched the boy 

Nandini: Even after the 2nd punch if you dont understand to stay in your limits then you are a fool

Harshad: Nandini Murthy stop playing hard , I very well know girls like you who act all sassy and brave to gain attention but never mind I will get through you , all the best for your project

Nandini rolled her eyes at him and shouted : Bring it on Harshad , lets see how many bones of yours gets broken and I dont need to play it hard to get attention I have it all , don't talk about yourself

Harshad was about to hold Nandini when she stepped back 

Nandini: Do not touch me again or else I will have to sanitise myself from your filthy touch

Harshad was about to say something but was stopped by a loud voice


Harshad had no choice other than to leave , Nandini had already insulted him alot and he did not want Manik to insult him more so he left the corridor

Manik was grinning looking at Nandini . She was confused why was he grinning like a fool

Nandini: Manik Manik

Manik: Ya Nandu

Nandini: Nandini call me Nandini

Manik: Areyy we are friends na 

Nandii: Now please don't start your friends rant call me whatever you want but don't eat my head

Manik: Nandu you are such a big liar

Nandini: When did I lie

Manik: See I think you have some mental problem now only you accused me of eating your head when I was not even touching it

Nandini: Leave it Manik you are impossible

Manik: Do you know Nandini impossible means I'M Possible

Nandini: How can you find positive thing in everything 

Manik: Just like you find every thing negative 

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