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I hurried to cover my naked body up, hugging the robe to my chest, my face flushed with embarrassment as my parents eyed me in knowing.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked annoyed, it was too early in the morning to be dealing with their shit.

"We came to check up on you, after your overly dramatic exit but I see you're doing much better" Apollo scowled.

"I didn't ask you to come after me" I snapped, "This is my house and I will not tolerate your pissy attitude , so either put it in check or get the fuck out"

"Demi, Apollo that's enough cut it out you two" My mom warned, then her eyes shifted on me eying  my robe. "And you have a lot of explaining to do young lady!"

I smiled sheepishly still in a daze last night was incredible.

As if on cue an disheveled, tired looking Rafe, stumbles in to the room a blanket covering half of his body. "Baby are you coming back to bed? I miss your warm bo-"

"Rafael!" I scolded, glaring at him, his eyes glanced from me to my shocked family standing behind me, and his eyes bulged out as he tried to fix his blanket moving his hair from his face.

"Oh my, Um" he struggled to get words out, "Demi , may I have a word with you in private?"

I nod, paying one last look to my fuming family Apollo and dad looked like they were about to lunge at him while mom looked completely surprised.

Once in the comfort of our bedroom Rafe went off.

"What the hell demi? I was completely blindsided out there! a little warning would have been nice" He angrily hissed.

"I'm just as caught off guard as you! you think I want them here? and you would have gotten a warning if you didn't waltz out of the room begging me to come back to bed" I countered, irritated.

" I'm not ready to meet your parents " he paced around the room, "God I made a fool out of my self the first impression is everything"

A smile tugged my lips, this was what he was stressed out about? he wanted to impress my dad.

"Baby" I cooed , taking small step's towards them until i was standing between his legs as he sat at the edge of the bed. Running his hands through his beautiful brown hair that I always found my self doing.

Placing my arms lazily around his taunt shoulders, I kissed his hair hugging him tightly "My parents will love you despite this okay? they're really nice people, when you get to know them!"

I cupped his face placing a lingering kiss on his lips, "This is progress, you're actually making an effort and I appreciate it"

A mischief smirk formed on his face and before I knew it he stood up, swooping me off my feet and led us both to the bathroom a girlish giggle escaped my lips as he carried me.

"Baby put me down my parents are still here" I pushed his chest slightly, only causing him to playfully growl.

He slammed me gently against the wall of the shower attacking my skin with kisses. his large member poked my exposed thigh causing a moan from him.

"Rafe.... I can't do this right now my parents" I struggled to get a sentence out as he nibbled on my exposed skin sending my mind a bliss.

"Ah fuck" I moaned pulling him in for a heated kiss, "Make this quick we've been in here long enough" I demand, wasting no time he slammed in to me causing a whimper to escape my part we lips as  through my head back in pleasure

We silenced our loud groans and grunts with heated exchanges, as he showered my shoulders with kisses. It didn't take long for me to cum, followed by Rafe.

I kissed his cheek before going to put my robe on heading back out to see me family.

"Where'd you go? It's been an hour!" Mom scolded, I rolled my eyes. Shouldn't they have got the clue and left then?

"Look I really don't have time today, I have to be at the office later tonight, so can we talk about this another time? I promise I'll explain." I pleaded.

Everyone nodded but dad, "Is this the guy Apollo was talking about? I thought you broke up."

"It's complicated, dad" I said looking everywhere but him.

"I want to meet him next weekend, invite him over for dinner. That is final," with that he left followed by my brother and mom.

I enjoyed the rest of my free time with Rafe we weren't back together but we were getting somewhere so that was good.

"You know this doesn't mean I forgive you right?" He glanced up from his phone clearly taken back by what I said.

"How many time do I have to say sorry? She was nobody I only want you demi" he replied coyly.

"You say that every time you get caught" I chuckled, "Maybe switch it up sometime I don't know use your brain."

"Whatever demi, you can't live without me" He stated cockily.

I Bent over laughing, slapping my knee, "You actually believe that? That's far from the truth" I lied, not wanting to give him the satisfaction.

His jaw clenched, "You could never find a man that can make you feel the way I do inside the bedroom."

He was right

"That's a lie because the man I was with Monday was skilled" I teased knowing Rafe was the possessive, jealous type.

My thoughts were proved when he stood up features darkened, "Who, were you with" he snarled  backing me into the counter. Something was telling me to stop, to find a way to calm him down but I kept going wanting to hurt him.

"He was so sexy, tall, dark and handsome" I bit my lip dreamily, 'The way is tongue-"

"THAT'S ENOUGH" Rafe slammed his fist down on the counter so hard I could've sworn I  heard it crack. His body was shaking with rage. His hands were balled into fist as he Paced around the room.

"You are mine do you understand that? I'll kill that guy who dared touch you-" his rant was cut off by my phone ringing. Pushing him away from me I reached for my phone.

"Hello, Miss-" I was cut off by a frantic voice, I huffed annoyed not liking to be interrupted I found it disrespectful.

"Boss she's here!" My assistant shouted.

"Who's there? Your going to have have be little more specific" I  ordered.

"Skylar Rose she's here in your office!" She exclaimed, causing me to almost drop my phone. No more needed to be said she was finally here, bidding a quick bye to Rafe, I hurried to my car excitedly this was a big step in the case. I was about to meet Skylar Rose.

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