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"Dad?" I called, knocking on his door before slowly opening it. The room was dimly lit the only source of light was the lamp sitting on his desk.

Taking a seat on the leather chair that was placed in front of his desk my eyes scanned the room. I haven't been in here in so long everything seems different.

"This girl can get some heavy time, if they can find solid evidence that she is in the gang that broken in to the women's house" My father said.

He skimmed through more of the documents, "Your best bet is to try and find this girl before her parole officer does. Unfortunately you can't help her with that. But you can find out all you can about the gang and crimes they committed since it's the only evidence for her arrest." He continued.

I sat back in my chair crossing one leg over the other taking in this information. "So what you're saying is, find the gang find the girl?".

He shook his head, "Not necessarily, what I'm saying is find the girl, prove that she wasn't at the location at the time of the crime and she's free."

Why did he always make everything sound so easy?.

"Okay" I stood up from from chair, "Thanks Dad"

"No problem baby girl" he smiled hugging me, "If you're still having problems let me know."

Walking down the hall I searched for my mom.  It was time for me to leave, I had to start on this case immediately.

While looking for my mom I stumbled upon my two brothers Apollo and Brandon, Both wrestling each other to the floor.

"You guys are ridiculous! Move!" I shouted, pushing them away.

"Damn Demi, you're so uptight you need Some dick in your life. That secret  boyfriend isn't hitting it enough" I heard, Apollo shout after me causing me to stop dead in my tracks.

"What did you just say?" My hands Were now balled in to fist as I glared at my brother.

"You couldn't possibly think that you could hide it from us. You're my baby sister of course I'm going time check up on you." he said, shrugging his shoulder's.

My father was in the room now a disappointed look began to form on his face and I hated when he gave me that look.

"You're such a fucking asshole Apollo stay out of my life!" I yelled tears spilling from  my eyes, "You don't know anything about him or me!. That is such an evasion of privacy and you guys wonder why I never come to visit."

Collecting my things I stormed out of the house, How dare he snoop in to my life!.

Once I got home I was exhausted but as I got closer to my condo I could see an outline of a figure leaning against my door waiting for me.

Just to my luck there stood my ex boyfriend a smile playing on his face.

"What do you want? I'm really not in the mood for another argu- " I was interrupted by a pair of soft lips on mine, his lips.

I dropped my briefcase letting my arms snake around his broad shoulder's, jumping up my legs in voluntary going around his waist.

This was so wrong, we're broken up but his kisses, his touch , was so addicting, he was addicting.

"I need you." I panted breathlessly, as he began trailing kisses down my neck.

"Whatever you want princess your wish is at my command. " he chuckled sexily causing between my legs to grow hot.

He set me down so I could open the door once inside I through my case to the side as I pinned him to the wall kissing him fiverishly.

"GOD I fucking missed you" I groaned as he laid me down on the bed.

He wasted no time diving right between my legs where I needed him the most. His tongue worked miraculously sending me to highest of peaks where no other man could even think about taking me.

Several rounds later it was 2am and we just laid their fingers intertwined.

"What are we gonna do?" I yawned, smuggling more in to his chest. "We can't keep doing this"

"I know " he sighed burying his head in my hair. "We gotta work on us, but I don't want to lose you " he admitted, I've heard this all before so I didn't say anything just listened.

"Go to sleep babe we'll talk about this in the morning " he told me which wasn't a problem because i was already their.

I woke up the next morning to banging on my door. I rolled over only to see Rafe fast asleep.

Searching for my bathrobe I tiredly stumbled out my room and towards the door still half asleep.

You know I was tired because I didn't even look first but my eyes shot open at the sight of my parents and brothers.

"Fuck " I cursed covering myself more, as my dad and brothers barged past me letting themselves in to my home. I knew I was in some deep shit.


Omg its been forever Im so sorry guys.

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