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She woke up to the constant sound of beeping. Her head did not hurt as bad as it did before. Only now she was left with the ache of what had come. She groaned shifting over to her right. Opening her eyes she was greeted by Demi's piercing brown ones that were boring right into her, relentlessly.

"Can you not stare at me while I'm asleep. That's creepy as fuck." Scar groaned, her eyes adjusting to the light in the room.

Demi was so happy she was awake, she let the foul language slide. "I was worried about you, you've been out for twelve hours. You have a severe concussion and skull fracture, I need to know what happened."

Scar used both arms, with the help of demi to push herself into a sitting position. "I went for a walk to clear my head, and there was this girl who was being attacked. I held the guy off long enough for her to slip away. And let's just say he was not happy."

Demi was pacing around room, frustration clearly on her face. "Do you know how dangerous that is? He could've killed you! And then what would I do? Skylar, do you even think about the consequences of your actions? The affect it can have on others."

All scar could do was apologize, she found that the more time she spent with demi. The more time she spent apologizing and feeling bad for all the things she did. This was never the issue before, skylar never cared what other people thought. So why was it so different now? Why was she feeling like shit for making demi upset?

"Due to your injury court has been postponed, for how long I don't know." This was bittersweet for scar she should be happy but at the same time, as stupid as it sounded aloud. She hoped that no one changed their minds. Especially the judge.

Seeing how tired and uncomfortable demi looked in the chair, scar thought she'd tell her to go home and get some rest. "You don't have to stay here. Im fine, you should go home and get some rest."

Demi gaze her a puzzled look, "You want me to leave?"

She caught on to the slight sadness in her voice and immediately recovered, "No! i-i mean, if you want to?"

Demi laughed, her eyes held amusement. "Calm down scar, I'm not leaving you in this hospital okay? You'll be staying for atleast a day or two and i already had my assistant grab a change of clothes."

"You don't have to do this." She told demi softly.

"I know." Demi affirmed, "But I want to."

Her second day in the hospital was spent doing tests, blood work and x-rays. Demi made sure she had the best care, skylar was terrified to see the hospital bill once all this was over. The Private room alone had to cost a couple thousand.

Demi was lying beside her since the bed was big enough for two. Carefully so she wouldn't yank out the iv in Skylar's arm. She was reading a book, while scar was watching TV.

They lie n a way where scar had her head rested on demis chest, curled up into her side. Nothing interesting was on tv, she sighed dropping the remote in the bed.

"Can I see your tablet?"

Demi marked her page and closed her book, "Why?" She asked skeptically.

This made scar roll her eyes. "Because i want to stare at it?" When demi didn't quite get her sarcasm she groaned. " C'mon demi there's nothing on tv I'm bored!"

"What does that have to do with my computer?"

Scar was seconds away from ripping her hair out, for being such a success lawyer with a high IQ demi could be dumb as a rock sometimes.

"I want to use your Netflix."

"I don't have Netflix."

At the revelation Skylar gasped loudly, holding her hand over her heart. She looked at demi with the most shocked and disappointed expression you would think demi killed somebody or worse.

"You're the only person in America that doesn't have a Netflix." Scar shook her head, "How do you sleep at night?"

Demi stifled a laugh, kissing the crease in scar's forehead."You're the most overdramatic child I've ever come in contact with."

Skylar feigned hurt, "I am not overdramatic!"

"You kinda are." A new voice agreed. Scar shifted her gaze towards the door where Demi's assistant stood with Wendy's bags in hand.

Skylar pouted, "That's not fair y'all are double teaming me."

She wanted to bite back at Demi's assistant and say something she'd probably get in trouble for. But reframed from doing so seeing the food in her hand. She wasnt risking Marissa holding her food hostage in return for an apology.

Her stomach growled at the sight of it, and she wasted no time once demi handed her, her chicken nuggets and fries. Stuffing several fries in her mouth.

"You eat like a pig." Marissa gagged, watching skylar chew with her mouth open.

"You look like a pig." Scar shot back.

"That's enough!" Demi interrupted their bickering, "You guys are like little kids."

"Well," scar drawled dipping her nuggets in barbeque sauce, "Technically, I am a kid."

Demi shot her glare, "I know that smart ass."

"Hey maur, on a scale of one to ten how badass is my scar going to look once my stitches are out?"

Demi's assistant pretended to be deep in thought. "Maybe, a five."

Skylar didn't hide her disappointment, "A five? I took down a criminal, which by the way was hard to do because he was a big as fuck only to get a five?"

"Speaking of taking down the criminal." Demi interjected, "Have the local police been given the sketch?"

"Mhmm, and more cops are patrolling the area." Marissa nodded.

Once everyone finished eating Marissa stayed for a few minutes before leaving. She had alot of work to do since demi took the week off.

"You're really good at this." Skylar said to demi as she tucked them in for the night. She was thankfully being discharged the next morning.

"Good at what?" demi enquired curiously.

"Caring for me, like a..." She trailed off, terrified to say that word. She was hoping demi would get the hint and not make her say it.

"Ohh," her breath hitched, "Thank you."

"You'd make a good mother some day demi." Despite herself, she couldn't help the tears that brimmed in her eyes at Skylar's words. She always wanted kids. But never had the opportunity to have them.

A surge of happiness filled demi unexpectedly, and she peppered kisses all over scars face. "Ew! Gross get off of me." Skylar giggled girlishly.

"You can drop the tough guy act, you know you love it!" Demi teased.

It came so easily to scar, being herself around demi. She didn't have to be the tough kid that lived on the streets her whole life. She didn't have to be the ex gang banger. When she was with demi, she was just Skylar and that's it. And she preferred it that way over everything.

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