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"Your first court appearance is in two weeks. You won't be sentenced until the following month. This is just to let the judge hear you out okay? We have to prove that you weren't at any of the crime scenes while the murders were taking place." Demi informed Skylar, leaning back in her chair.

Skylar sat with her legs crossed on the floor of Demi's office, solving a puzzle while snacking on a bag of Doritos and her favourite soda. She was barely listening to demi.

"Cool." She answered not taking her eyes off the piece she was twirling between her fingers. "Where the fuck does this go? it doesn't even fit anywhere!"

Demi looked at her, "Watch the language."

Skylar huffed, "Didn't you curse when you were a kid?"

"Yes." Demi snorted, "Alot actually. But that doesn't mean it's okay you're too young."

"Im about to go to court and be charged on two counts of murder and robbery and you think I'm too young to curse?" Skylar gaped in disbelief. "Ms. Lovato you need to get your priorities straight."

"We both know you didn't pull that trigger." Demi stated roughly, "And if you tell me who did this would be alot easier."

Skylar visibly stiffened, "I can't do that. You know it."

Demi kept her poker face, staring daggers into skylar eyes making her shift uncomfortably. "We've been avoiding it enough put the puzzle down and come sit by my desk. We need to go over what happened that night."

Skylar dropped the pieces scrambling to the chair that was seated directly in front of Demi's desk, fear bubbling inside her. Demi leaned back in her chair cockily, taking the back of the pen between her teeth, biting down on it slightly.

"Where were you April 20th 2017?"

Skylar's gaze fell down to her hands, "I-I was at my foster home."

"Is that so." Demi hummed, "Can you prove you were there? Did you socialize with anyone that night?"

"Just my roomie Kaitlyn." She shrugged.

Demi clicked her tongue, "So, if I went to Kaitlyn and asked her the same question she would say you were there with her?"

Skylar nodded eyeing demi intently as she scribbled something down in a book quickly before slamming it shut.

"When did you meet Alisha Washington?"

Skylar stayed silent her own fear and dread stopping her from uttering a single word.

"Shall I repeat the question skylar?"

Skylar made a quick decision that she hoped wouldn't cost her later on. She couldn't get her best friend in trouble. Alisha was the only family she had and helped her through so much.

"I don't know who that is."

Demi stood up, a sickening grin on her face. "I knew you were going to say that. My God, Skylar you are so Predictable."

Demi walked over to the front of her desk leaning against it as she opened to document in her hand and showed it to skylar. At first she didn't understand what she was looking at until she seen the pictures of her and Alisha eating at one of their favorite diners and then them walking in the park.

Skylar stood up tears burning her face as she snatched the photos out of Demi's hand. "You were watching us this whole time???"

Demi nodded, "You've been under investigation for month's skylar. What you and your former gang did to that lady and her husband makes it a federal crime. Not only that but drug embezzlement and failure to check in with your parole officer, if you don't tell me the truth then I can't help you and you will spend the next fifthteen years in a federal Juvenile Detention Center once you are 18 and can be placed with the adults. This is not a game skylar this is your life."

"Fifthteen years?" Skylar squealed, "You have to get me out of this demi, please, I can't go to jail."

"That's what I'm trying to do if you tell me who did it." Demi said gently.

"But I wasn't there, I know who went and why but I don't know exactly who pulled the trigger and tortured those people. When they came back Lincoln was covered in blood and he looked pissed off. I had snuck out of my room around three in the morning, Alisha sent me a message that something went wrong and the whole group was panicking." Skylar breathed.

"Apparently jake didn't go over the blueprints thoroughly and there was a camera hidden somewhere in a bookshelf and it caught all of their faces. Which triggered the alarm. Jake and Lincoln started fighting and next thing I know Jake had a knife in his stomach and a bullet in his head." Skylar fits clench just at the thought of jake laying there on the dirty warehouse ground and not being able to do anything to help him as he bled to death.

Skylar was about to continue when demi stopped her. "Did you bury the body?"

All she could do was nod.

"Excellent." Demi chriped gathering her things, "I need you to take me to the site."


"Yup give me the directions and a forensic team will meet us there." Demi was already on the phone as skylar wrote down the name of the warehouse he was buried near.

Demi and skylar Piled into the car and Skylar had this nagging feeling in the back of her mind, warning her about demis Intention's. So she took a chance and asked. "What are you going to do?"

"Nothing." Demi's eyes never left the road, "The forensic team will dig up the body, take it to the morgue and we'll see what we can do from there."

"Dig up his body??? You Can't do that!" skylar yelled.

"Yes I can and i will." Demi snipped "the sooner we prove he was shot by the same gun that was used during the double homicide and robbery we can. Prove your innocent."

Skylar sunk farther into her seat that same helpless feeling she got as she watched jake die resurfacing. She wishes she never told demi anything because now she was regretting it.


I'm back bitchez

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