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The car ride to my parents house took longer than I expected traffic was crazy. And I got stopped at every red light.

So I was physically exhausted when I finally reached my parents gated community.

Pulling up towards the beginning of the driveway. I pressed the intercom to inform jerry who was head of security to let me in.

But instead I was met by the annoying voice of my older brother Apollo.

"Who is itttttt!" he singed. Fustrated I drummed my fingers against the steering wheel he could obviously see it was me from the camera.

"Just open the damn gate you idiot" I spoke threw gritted teeth. He knew how to get under  my skin and annoy me in ways nobody else can.

"Demi? Is thats you?" He played dumb. "That's not a nice way to greet your older brother" he teased I could almost see the smirk on his face. "Now aplogize or I might just forget to open the gate"

My jaw clenched "Sorry" I muttered  almost in audible.

"What was that I couldn't hear you?"

"Apollo if you don't open this fucking gate I'm calling mom" I threatened and the gate opened almost immediately.

A smile formed on my face that always does the trick. Once parked I hurried into the house to find my mother.

She was in the kitchen her brown hair pulled pack into a bun. An pink apron wrapped around her as she hummed silently stirring a pot of noodles.

"Mom" I greeted she turned around startled at first before attacking me with an hug.

"What a wonderful surprise I missed you baby" I returned the hug.

I don't visit my parents often and I'm definitely going to have to change that.

"Where's Apollo?" I asked innocently remembering the trouble he gave me just minutes ago.

"He should be in his room" she told me and I nodded and began making my way to his room.

"Demi don't kill your brother!" she shouted after me and I chuckled.

Apollos room was on the third floor and I decided to take the steps instead of the elevator needing the extra workout.

I haven't been to the gym in years.

Once I reached the third floor I was pratically crawling up the last steps gasping for air. I really needed to get in shape.

Swinging the door open to his room I found him laying across his bed laptop in hand.

He shot up off the bed as I took slow steps towards him. "Okay I'm sorry demi you know this is a big misunderstanding"

"Demi?" I heard my dad call from downstairs. Apollo took advantage of the distraction and pushed me over to the side running out the room.

I fell onto the bed still shocked did he just push me?.

Recovering from my shocked state I slipped my heels off and began chasing after him.

He was a floor ahead of me but I still caught up to him.

"Your so dead" I yelled after him hoping over the couch.

He just laughed "You have to catch me first"

Apollo ran into the kitchen where both are parents were. "Demi! Apollo! Knock it off right now you are to old to be acting like children" my mom scolded a stern look on her face.

Dad on the other hand looked amused by this hole situation. As Apollo hid behind mom.

"The gate again?" Dad asked and I nodded.

He chuckled. "Apollo that's what you get how many times have me and your mother told you to let jerry do his job"

My brother shoulder slumped in defeat. "Okay fine" he said. "But you only get one hit because you hit hard" he warned.

I happily skipped over to Apollo and punched him in the arm as hard as I could.

"Ow what the fuck that hurt" he pouted sending me a glare.

"That's what you get"

"Okay children lunch is ready " mom announced placing the food on the dining room table.

I wasn't planning on having lunch with my family. But decided I'll just go with the flow seeing I haven't seen my parents in so long.

After we all joined hands and said grace all you could hear was the sound forks scrapping against the fine china.

"Not that I don't love having you here demi but is there a reason for this unexpected vist?" Dad questioned.

"Yeah I actually I came here for advice I-." I began explaining but my Mom's squealing cut me off.

"Oh my god my baby girl finally has a boyfriend I've been waiting for this day since you were 17" she says.

Apollo and dad both choked on their noodles. "She's not allowed to date" they both said simultaneously.

"Excuse your father and brothers behavior demi they don't know anything" mom waved them off. "So tell me about this guy"

How did this become about my love life I wondred. Then the argument that me and my now ex-boyfriend had this morning flashed threw my mind.

My family didn't know about him and that only makes things worst. Tears gathered in my eyes as one slipped down my cheek.

The room was dead silent nobody was eating anymore as their eyes bored into mine. I don't cry infront of anyone not even my family.

I don't like feeling weak.

My mom got up from her chair and rushed over to my side. "Oh no, I'm so sorry demi I didn't mean to upset you"

"It's okay" I sniffed. "I don't want to talk about it it's over"

I forced a smile that didn't quite reach my eyes. Mom nodded going back to her chair.

I cleared my throat trying to regain composure and rid the awkwardness in the room. "I actually came over here because I needed advice on an case"

It was normal for my family to talk about certain cases giving eachother feed back. Mom was was very involved and knows the system just as much as we do.

"Skylar rose" I handed the folder to my father as he adjusted his glasses.

I didn't need to explain because he was already reading the case along with my mom and brother.

While they were distracted reading over the case I decided it was the perfect time to excuse myself.

Standing in the kitchen I began to pace.

I missed him already but we're bad for eachother toxic. Rafe wasn't good for me but I was addicted to him.

I always found myself Going back to him. Even after all the cheating he's done. Rafe has hurt me more than anyone else.

He has my heart in his hands and still toys with me.

Splashing water in my face i leaned over the sink trying to rid the thoughts of me and him out of my mind.

"Sweetheart are you okay?" I turned around to only face my worried mother.

"Yeah I'm fine" I reassured sending her a small smile.

"Okay.." she didn't look convinced. "Your father wants to see you in his office" she said.

I sent her one last glance before heading towards my father's office.


Authors Note:

Sorry about the late update I've been trying to perfect this chapter for days but watch there still be mistakes.

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