
591 22 1

Third person from now on

Walking into Ms. Lovato's house Skylar felt out of place instantly. The lavish decorations and paintings that aligned Ms. Lovato's walls.

Her place screamed rich.

"Are you hungry? Do you want anything to eat or drink?" Skylar snorted at lovato's politeness. She was too kind for her own good.

Skylar felt bad for her.

"Actually I'm both can you get me something?" She asked.

Nodding her head she watched as Lovato went off and Skylar decided to make herself at home. Despite how awkward she felt she sat on the couch stretching her legs so they rested on the coffee table in front of her.

Her crew would flip if they knew she was not only in a lawyer's house but the Ms.Lovato, she wins all of her cases, every criminal wished they could get a chance to work with her because it meant their freedom.

She was all over the news papers and televisions.

Skylar was surprised how fast, she made their sandwiches. And couldn't help but notice Demi's jaw tighten when she caught sight of Skylar's feet rested on her 2,000 dollar coffee table.

"You alright Ms. Lovato?" She smirked, as Demi forced an obvious fake smile.

"Just fine, are you comfortable?"

"Yup this table is nice, my feet are very comfortable." Her jaw locked again at Skylar's comment and she smiled in victory.

"I'll go set up your room."

Skylar was once again left in her own thoughts and silence. As she chewed the ham and cheese sandwich she decided to walk around, get a feel for the place. She's never been in such a high class home before.

She found herself wandering the halls, peeking her head into each room. She was on the last door when she heard Demi shouting her name.

Finding her way back into the living room wasn't hard and she was standing in front of a worried yet relived demi when she saw Skylar in fact didn't run away.

"Chill out demi, I'm right here." She mocked stuffing the last piece of her sandwich into her mouth greedily.

"I didn't know that!" Demi fussed running her fingers frustratingly through her hair, "next time you want to explore just tell me, I would happily show you around."

Skylar scoffed knowing why demi was overreacting, "Don't worry. I didn't steal none of your priceless artifacts you can even check my pocket."

Demi's face fell as her eyes held the familiar sorrow they did when she first met Skylar, "That's not what I meant Skylar, I was just-"

"Save it demi, is my room ready? I'm tired."

Skylar's happiness was short lived and now all she wanted to do was get in the bed and sleep for approximately a week. She didn't know why Demi's opinion of her bothered her so much. She didn't like it she never once cared what other people thought of her.

So why start now?

The room that demi assigned her was one of the biggest she's ever been in. She had to take a moment to stare in awe. She never seen anything so beautiful.

"The bathroom is across the hall, your towel and wash cloth are on the bed and I have an oversized t shirt for you to sleep in. Um, I don't really have kids underwear and you look really small so once you take a shower I'll wash the clothes that you were in so you'll have them by morning. That'll do until we get you new clothes."

Skylar much appreciated Demi's kindness.

"Wait new clothes? You're going to take me shopping?" Skylar asked excitedly. She's never stepped foot in a mall and the clothes that she had weren't even hers. They were her friend Faith's.

"Yeah, I have off tomorrow so I was thinking we could, I don't know how long you're going to stay here so you at least need some stuff to settle in."

Skylar's gaze shifted towards the floor, "Thank you, for everything. I know I haven't been the easiest to put up with but I-I appreciate it alot."

Skylar could trust demi and that's what scared her, after her parents she refused to let anyone in. Demi taking the hint she left Skylar to her business and went to take off her dress suit it had been a long day.

Demi was woken up in the middle of the night by screams, but not anyone's screams, Skylar's. She shot up from her bed wide awake and rushed off towards Skylar's room.

The closer she got the louder they became and when she opened the door she seen Skylar thrashing around between her covers her arms swinging widely.

She was muttering someone's name and pleading for them to stop. This worried demi even more she had an idea of what was happening in her dream but her main focus was waking the little girl up.

Demi crawled into Skylar's bed and shook her shoulders violently while pinning her legs down to block her kicks. Skylar sat up from her bed knocking heads with demi.

Both girl's groaned in pain holding their foreheads, "What're you doing here demi? Why are you on top of me!" Skylar pushed her away rather harshly standing up.

"You were having a nightmare!" Demi groaned still in pain, "I was only trying to help you."

"I didn't ask for your fucking help!" Skylar shouted shocking both of them, "Leave me alone and stay out of my business! You can't help everyone!"

Tears were now streaming down her face and she broke down, her dream still haunting her and she was angry, not necessarily at demi but everything in her life. They left her for dead.

Skylar didn't realize arms were wrapped protectively around her until she felt demi pull her back to bed. She cried into the lawyers chest letting all her pain and frustration flow out of her freely.

Demi soothingly drawled circles on Sky's back, calming her down. She felt for the girl and she didn't understand why she felt so drawn to her. She felt the need to protect her and love her like her own.

Demi quickly shook those thoughts out of her head, she couldn't get attached to her client. What would her father say? And what if she lost the case and Skylar actually went to jail?

Those thoughts weighted heavy in her head as she found herself drifting off to sleep.


This is ugh any ideas? Writers block is killing me!

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