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"Please" she begged, "Let me go, I promise I won't cause any problems."

I shook my head taking a step towards her, "I'm sorry I can't do that, if I let you leave both of us will be in trouble."

Her whole body was shaking with fear and she finally let go of the door knob and collapsed to the floor in tears. I rushed over to her side and pulled her into my arms. Despite her smell, I felt the need to protect her from the horrors that are her inner demons.

I don't usually get attached to clients, or show any type of sympathy. But it felt so natural with her. I couldn't explain it. We stayed like this for almost an hour.

"We need to talk, I have some questions to ask you and I want you to answer them truthfully okay?" She nodded her head.

"Where are you currently staying?"

She shrugged her shoulders, "I couldn't stay at the park anymore because the police got tipped off so now I'm at an abandoned ware house not too far from here. I don't know exactly where it is but I know how to get there."

"Are you in a gang?" I asked, she didn't move, her eyes staring down at the floor.

"Skylar if you don't tell me anything I can't help you." I sighed, leaning back in my chair.

"I never asked for your help." She mumbled, "I can take care of myself like I've been doing all my life."

"And look where that got you." I retorted, "Not only are you in legal trouble but federal do you know what that means?? The FBI are down my throat wanting you infront of a judge in 3 months."

Her eyes widened at my revelation, "F-FBI, w-what do they want with m-me?" She stuttered her words, I observed her body language and I knew she was actually afraid I could read her like a book.

"Your gang, has caught their attention but more so you. Your DNA was found at five different crime scenes. Would you like to explain to me how that happened?"

"I don't know!" She shouted standing up, "I don't know what you're talking about."

I rolled my eyes not surprised by her outburst at all, "I was born at night but not last night sweetie. I know when someone is lying to me, I can't defend you in court if you don't tell me anything."

"Do you have a bathroom?" She askes, changing the subject.

"Lucky for you, I have a bathroom in here." I smirked, "Right though that door, it has a window but I doubt you'd be able to escape we're on the 23 floor."

"Fuck" she cussed, before slamming the bathroom door behind her. While she was in the bathroom I tried to look up care homes that she could stay in for the night. I couldn't have her staying out in the street for the night. She was in a way, my responsibility now.

"Lindsey can I see you in my office" I paged over the loud speaker, the door opened in a matter of seconds and Lindsey stood in front of my desk waiting for instructions.

"Skylar doesn't have anywhere to stay and I don't know what I'm going to do I can't have her out on the street. I can't take that chance of her running away again." I told her, "I wanted your thoughts on it."

"I don't know what you're going to do Ms.Lovato. She has to go to one of the care homes she was originally in. We can assign an officer outside the building to make sure she doesn't leave. But that's its." Knowing she was right, I dismissed her back to her job, normally I wouldn't have a problem with sending a kid back to their foster home. But there was just something about this girl I couldn't describe it but I felt that I had to take care of her.

I was so distracted with my thoughts I didn't realize Skylar was actually still in the bathroom. "Skylar?" I called, knocking on the door. "Are you okay in there?"

"Just a minute!"

Going back to my seat , I waited for her to exit the bathroom which she did seconds later. But now there was something off about her. She had a face eating smile permanently formed on her face.

I eyed her suspiciously, "Skylar? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, why would you ask that?" She chirped.

Ignoring her sudden mood change, I asked her a few more questions which she surprisingly answered without complaint. After talking with her a little more thoroughly I had finally made my decision.

She had no where else to stay and I was already off the clock, so I did something really risky

"Skylar? How would you feel about spending a night at my place?"

That seemed to snap her out of her thoughts quickly, "Are you serious? Me stay with you and you're home...."

"Just for tonight it'll be fine, until we find a safe place for you to stay." I said, gathering my things.

"You trust me that much?" She asked, bewildered.

"No, I don't trust you at all" I stated, causing her face to drop, "But I trust that you wouldn't harm me."

Her lips slightly turned upward, "Touché, Ms. Lovato, lead the way."


Short chapter

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