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"We have to find you something nice to wear for your hearing." Demi told her for the tenth time. Skylar did not want to get out of bed and demi was growing frustrated, she didn't have all day.

"Why can't you go pick it out and buy it and I stay right here in this bed like God intended me to be today." Sky said burying herself farther into the sheets.

Demi hurried out the room and filled a bowl up with ice water. Before stalking back into Skylar's room. "You have two options get up now or I'll pour this bowl of ice water on you."

Skylar hopped out the bed Holding her hands up in surrender. "Okay, you win I'm up!"

A huge grin sat on Demi's face as she slowly edged towards skylar. Just as demi was about to trap her in the corner sky flung herself to the side, missing her footing on the bed and fell to the floor with a thud. Demi took this as an opportunity and straddled the girls stomach pouring the cold water on her face as sky tried her best to shield herself.

Laughing, demi got up off of Skylar taking her place on the bed. Her stomach hurting from how much she was laughing.

Skylar shot her a playful glare. "That water was cold as fuck!"

"That's the point." Demi giggled, "It woke you up didn't it?"

"And if I get pneumonia it will be your doing!"

"Please." Demi scoffed, suddenly remembering something. "Speaking of that I have to schedule you a doctor's appointment. Have you ever been to a doctor?"

"No." Skylar admitted, "Even when I was sick in my foster homes no one cared enough to give you medicine you just wait it through and pray you get better."

Demi made a face. "That's awful."

"Yeah." Skylar chuckled. "And dont even get me started on food."

"Was every home like that for you?" Demi noticed Skylar's face contorting to confusion and decided to clear things up a bit. "I mean bad for you. Are they really as awful as people say they are?"

Sky thought about Demi's question for a moment long and hard. No one has ever asked her or showed interest about her life as a foster kid. She wanted to answer as honestly as she could but Skylar was having trouble finding the truth.

"The first time I was placed in a foster home was scary. I was so young at the time. I understood what was happening but at the same time I didn't believe it was my reality. There were so many kids already in the home before me. I often wondered if there was room for me, was I just a mistake."

She went on to say. "The first couple of nights were uneventful. I slept in a bed for the first time in years and it felt amazing. I actually had food to eat so that was an overwhelming feeling. The fear that I walked into that home with suddenly dissipated. It was the first time I felt that I was actually home. So no, not all of them are horrible I've had good times and bad times. It was just the emotional draining of moving all the time and getting taken out of school. That really got me."

Demi stares in awe at Skylar she was finally opening up to her. And a sense of pride filled her for some reason at the thought of sky trusting her enough to tell her all of this.  "So how did you end up meeting  Alisha?"


Demi waited for a moment, giving skylar enough time to elaborate but she seemed to have other plans and stood up abruptly walking towards the door. "I'm going to take a shower now. I'll be ready to leave in a half an hour."


"We should order pizza tonight. I set a reminder for this FX movie." Scar stated, demi walked to the check out with her new pant suit since she wasn't into dresses. As much as demi begged her to wear one. Scar refused, she didn't think it was appropriate for court. And plus she looked more mature and sophisticated in a button up.

When the court date arrived scar woke up with an annoying urge to release the contents of her stomach. Though she hadn't eaten anything. It was six in the morning, and she lie awake. Wondering the fate she was about to come face to face to today. It could go one of two ways. And scar just had this feeling that it wasn't going to be good.

Needing some fresh air Skylar quickly got dressed in a pair of joggers and a hoodie deciding to go on a run which she never done before. But it felt necessary today because all the pimped up fear and anxiousness boiling inside of her. She needed a release.

She figured she'd be back before demi woke up. So she decided not to take her phone.

Once she stepped foot outside of the apartment complex. Scar breathed in the fresh air, letting the cool breeze brush her hair out of her face.  She started in a steady jog. Which turned into a sprint when she heard screaming coming from an alley way.

Pushing herself farther as the screams increased she acted before she thought. And charged the man that had a lady half dressed pushed up against a wall. The man barely moved despite scars tackle. So she jumped on his back repeatedly hitting at his face.

The distraction was enough for the women to scramble away. The man shrugged scar off of his back, causing her to hit the concrete in a thud. "You bitch!" The man hissed, grabbing her by the neck cutting off all circulation.

She clawed at his arms fighting to break away. The more she struggled the tighter his grip gotten. She was getting weaker by the second to the point she could no longer keep her eyes open and slipped into unconsciousness.

When scar woke up she could hear horns blaring and the busy life of the city. She groggily sat up, her throat sore and the feelings of being run over by a truck stilling her body. She took a moment to familiarize her surroundings, earlier events playing groggily in her head.

Then it hit her, demi! Shit! She was going to be in so much trouble.

Pushing herself off the ground she used the brick wall beside her to steady herself.  After the dizziness surpassed, she began the long journey back to demis place prepared to face the wrath of the beast.

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