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Demi tossed and turned in the bed, the restlessness of her sleep waking her. Groaning at the time she shoved her face deeper into the pillow. She was working on only four hours of sleep and she needed atleast six to have a proper day. She lie awake in her bed glaring at the ceiling.  She just couldn't shake away this unsettling feeling in the pit of her stomach. Something was wrong.

Tossing the sheets to the side of the bed demi stood up, stretching her limbs, knowing there was no way she could go back to sleep now. As she made her way down the dark hallway she reframed from switching the light on, not wanting to disturb Skylar.

"Atleast one of us can sleep." Demi muttered to herself as she pulled out her laptop. Turning the kettle on, boiling herself some water for her coffee. She had alot of work she needed to get done anyway.

Seconds turned into minutes, mintues turned into hours and soon enough the sun peeked over the horizon. Starting the new day, demi decided to make breakfast knowing scar would be starving haven eaten so little last night. She cracked a couple eggs, tossing a few pieces of bacon in the frying pan.

Even if she wasnt the best cook, breakfast was her specialty. It didn't take long for everything to be done and there was still no sign of Scarlett. She usually ran out as soon as she smelled bacon.

Wiping her hands on a wash rag, demi knocked on the door gently. "Scarlett honey, I made breakfast."

There was no response so demi opened the door worry etched on her face only to be greeted by an empty bed. The first thing that came to mind was. She ran, how could I be so stupid.

Demi was so engrossed in having someone there with her who she could talk to and she could take care of she forgot the most important thing. That Scar was a juvenile, who never stayed anywhere for long. She thought they had an understanding which clearly she was wrong. And now she was alone, her case in jeopardy. Everything she worked so hard for gone.

Her father warned her this would happen, she hated that he was right about everything. She naively thought Scarlett was different, she let her emotions get in the way of what was really important and that was this case.

Stupidity tears began to cloud her vision and she quickly wiped them away. Demi paced around the room pondering on what she should do. The first thing that came to mind was call the cops and have a bolo put out on her. Despite how Angry and hurt she was demi couldn't help how worried and scared she was for scar.

She was fully capable of taking care of herself yet demi felt protective over her. She couldn't even try to call her phone because it sat right there in front of demi. When eleven o clock rolled around demi couldn't stand around and let another minute pass by. Scar could be hurt or worse.. demi gulped heading for the door when the latch clicked and creeped open slowly revealing a bloodied Scarlett.

Demi let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding in and without even thinking reached out and grabbed scar by the arm. Hugging her body to her chest.

"Don't you ever leave like that again Skylar! I swear to God you won't live to see another day if you scare me like that again."  Demi affirmed not letting up.

After several moments demi pulled away keeping her at arms length as her eyes scanned her battered body. Immediately seeing scar's state her eyes softened, "What happened? Who did this?"

Scar weakly shrugged limping over to the couch. "I dont know."

"You don't know?" Demi repeated angrily, "You leave the house in the middle of the night, return hours later looking like you just got out of a physical altercation and you don't know what happened? You better come up with something better than that and fast."

Scar scowled the thumping in her head increasing. "I-I hit my head, I don't remember much there was this guy in an alley way and-"

"What have I told you about going out by yourself? What were you doing at night in an alley? Do you know what would of happened if the cops got to you?" Demi continued.

"Will you stop for a second! I just told you that I hit my head and you're not going to ask me if I'm okay?" Scar weakly shrugged her jacket off. "Can I get some advil? My head is killing me."

Demi walked towards her, lifting scars chin so she could examine the gash on the side of her head. "This is a deep gash sweetheart. You're going to need atleast four stitches and a cat scan. I'm worried you might have a concussion or worse."

Scar waves her off, not thinking of it. Demi was over reacting she was sure of it. "I don't need a doctor. I just need paid killers and water. Its a little scrape demi, I didn't lose a limp."

Demi crossed both arms over her chest, taking a few steps back. "If you can walk from the couch to me without feeling faint I won't take you to the hospital."

Scar huffed not even worrying, this was going to be easy as pie! She slowly stood up and soon regretted it. The floor seemed to be moving faster than her legs,  her vision was blurry, all she could see were white lines. She couldn't even take a step forward before she collapsed into demis arms.

"That's what I thought." Demi quipped, lifting Skylar so her arms were around her neck and legs draped lazily around her waist. "I'm taking you to the hospital."

"But-" Scar began to protest tiredly, fighting the urge to slip into a blissful sleep.

Demi, realizing what was happening, pinched scars arm resulting in a groan from the younger girl. "That hurt, what the hell."

"It woke you up didn't it? You have to stay awake. I don't know what's wrong with you yet and I'm not risking it." Demi said worriedly, buckling Scar who had her eyes closed.

As much as she tired to fight it, she couldn't stop the darkness that evaded her. And she soon found herself slipping into a deep relentless sleep.

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