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The next morning skylar was awoken around seven am by an overly anxious demi who pulled her out of bed and ushered her to the bathroom so she could shower. At first skylar didn't pay any mind to Demi's odd behavior, she assumed it was that time of the month and she was the type that needed everything to be perfect and in order.

She soon realised as she sat at the counter for breakfast that there was more to it than just her menstrual cycle. So she began to pry, "What's up? You've been staring at that pancake for ten minutes."

Demi broke the heated stare that was directed at the pancake and met Skylar eyes. "We have a meeting this morning and I don't know what to make of it."

Skylar sipped her orange juice, "It's about my case isn't it? Did the judge make a decision already?"

"No, no, it's not that." Demi reassured the panicked girl,"I'm being taken off your case."

"What?!" Skylar exclaimed, standing up, "T-They can't do that!"

Demi gave her a sad smile, "But they can, I got the call last night my father is taking over."

"He hates me! Im royally fucked." The girl sighed slumping onto her stool. "Is it because I'm staying here? Is that why you can't foresee my case?"

Demi gulped, shifting her gaze anywhere but skylar. She didn't want to answer that, she wished it wasn't this way, that there was a way she could have both and not have to give up the other.

"I'm right aren't I?" She said sadly, "I understand if you want to kick me out, your job is more important th-"

Demi slid out of her stool, walking around the counter so she could wrap her arms around Skylar. "You aren't going anywhere, I promise you that. I might not be your lawyer anymore but I'm working on fostering you which will hopefully lead to adoption. I know it's crazy but Skylar the short time I have had with you have been the best weeks of my life. You opened a whole new world for me that I never thought I'd be able to experience. Nothing will ever make me stop caring for you. You know that right?"

Skylar's bottom lip trembled as she threw her arms around Demi's neck, sobbing into her chest. "I love you demi."

"I love you too baby."


Demi's father sat in her office behind her desk looking over his daughter's notes while consulting with her assistant about everything that they've figured out. He wanted this girl out of His daughters life, ever since she showed up his family has been at their wits. Demi refused to answer their calls which broke his wife's heart and she completely cut ties with her brothers.

It was as if her life was centered around this delinquent. The women who was never late to work now barely showed up on time and the women that would never think twice about a case was now second guessing her choices. He wanted his daughter back, the confident beast that controlled the courtroom and kept his legacy alive.

The door to his office opened revealing his daughter and the little girl who he was sure to send back to where ever she came from. They stood hand in hand, she was tucked protectively behind demi head buried into her side shying away from the man's piercing eyes that were filled with anger and hatred.

"Dad give her a break she's been through a lot." Demi demanded, walking over to the open chair, Skylar in toe immediately taking her seat which was Demi's Lap apparently. Not feeling comfortable sitting on her own. Demi was her protective blanket that she never wanted to let go of.

"You look lovely demi glad to see you're still doing well since you refuse to answer your mother's calls." He said with a sickening sweet smile that made Skylar's skin crawl.

"Maybe I would answer your calls if you didn't make it so bluntly clear that you don't support me or my decisions." Demi shot back.

"Your mother and i have always supported everything you do. And now since you're on the verge of committing felonies you use it to flash out? We raised you better than that demi."

She scoffed, "I have my fostering license, sky's papers should be processed any minute now."

He sat back in his chair, crossing one leg over the other, flipping through some documents scattered out on his desk. "I see you're slacking with your work. Where are the witness statements and skylar statement? They're crucial for the case."

Demi's jaw clenched, "I was getting to them before you rudely decided to take over my case."

"Were you? Because if I'm not mistaken your assistant says you haven't been in the office for awhile." He countered.

"Do you have to criticize everything I do? I have always given you my best. And as soon as I finally decide to stop kissing your backside and go out and start the life I want you do this? I'm not a little kid Patrick, I can do whatever I want. You cant control me anymore like you used to." she stood up from her desk, pulling a folder out of her purse, slamming it on his desk. "Here's the witness statements that you wanted so badly."

Patrick was shocked by her outburst, demi was never one for the dramatics. Even as a child she always did what she was told to do without question. Now it was like she morphed into a more defiant adult version of herself that he didn't understand nor like. Everything always went his way, he has control over everything and now demi was slipping away from him and he didn't know how to stop it.

"Don't you see what this little street kid is doing to you demi? She's nothing but trouble, ever since she came into your life you have not been yourself  do you remember nothing from law school? You're too attached to this case. It's affecting your personal life and as a father and the owner of this company I have to step in and do what's right."

"That's the thing." she sniffs, "You're always doing things that you think is right. And half of the time that involves the downfall of others. You are a control freak." She finished before walking out with skylar in toe, leaving a very appalled Patrick sitting at his death.

Little did she know the chaos she just started.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2017 ⏰

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