"i'm going down there" i told the ricky, rushing down the stairs, pushing past him and the lady, who i figured out was called shannon and ran towards where he was running.

i could hear names, people screaming at me, sirens going off and then more screaming. i knew it was him, i connected the dots when he was in the house.

his hand was covered in blood, more blood than gina's mother's hand was covered and the way he wrote down information, taking his time, careful not to mess anything up (not to mention the diary's font was the exact same to his)

the way he didn't have anything to say after i confronted him about the situation between his brother and janice and the way he quickly left with the closest thing to him (a knife and a huge ego, he's tortured gina, that's why the blood was there on janice's hands and now, he's going to make sure that she suffers a brutal death).

a few months ago, if you told me that i had any remorse for gina, i would have just laughed in your face but now, as i am getting poison ivy from the bushes as i wander through the woods, i'm so concerned that i could turn up and she'll be dead.

i yelled her name, thinking about the park that he mentioned earlier but there is a good chance that that was a coverup so i'm covering basic grounds until i can find out the truth.

"got ya!" he yelled, slamming my body on the tree that was closest to him, my legs turned numb as i looked up at him, i tried to wiggle out from his grasp but i was trapped, i couldn't move.

"where is gina?" i yelled at his face as he slammed me into the tree harder, i wasn't going to give up but i could feel myself losing consciousness.

then, i felt him laugh, almost like a childish stupid laugh and that's when i realised what was happening, he slowly got up and grabbed my hand.

"honestly, i thought that you would have at least recognised me from my hoodie but clearly not" i gasped and i jumped into his arms, i couldn't process anything else except from the numb feeling that consumed my stomach.

"woah neens, you ok?"

"i'm just.. god, i thought i was going to die, you shouldn't do that again ricky, i nearly had a heart attack"

"well, if you did, i'd be the first one at the hospital"

i smiled and this time, it was a genuine smile. i felt like the distance between me and ricky had made us be distant towards each other and i took the time we had together for granted, but i'm just glad that he's here right now (speaking of, why is he here right now?)

"what are you even doing here?"

"i kinda figured it out when you pieced the two together, i guess you could say i'm smart like that"

"and cocky, look, i'm sorry that we couldn't have spent more time together over spring break, it's just, i believe that ej deserves justice and who knows.. maybe we just might get it for him"

"neens, slow down, i'm not upset about that, i'm glad we have spent time together but i don't know, don't you think that your life is becoming something else's?"

i don't know how to respond to that but deep down, he's right. i try so hard for the benefit of others and that's what my mom was afraid of. she didn't want me to take on another case because she knew how invested and involved i would become, but i'm so close now to finding out the truth that maybe, it is time to give myself a break

"i guess so, i just can't help it, i believe that people are innocent till they are proven guilty"

"i know but sometimes, people are just guilty and that's out of your control"

guess i have to just accept that?

"i know... i'm sorry"

"stop apologising, me and you are a team, remember?"

"yeah, we are"

"whatever happens, we've got each other" he slowly moves forward, the distance between us getting closer.

"i've got you, forever and always"

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