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i couldn't believe that i was going to have to reconsider everything that i had done last year. i nearly lost my life because of ashlyn and i was convinced that she was the one behind it but being sat in a hospital bed whilst people do cpr on you can baffle your brain.

"neens, i don't want to alarm you right now but.. i think they're home already"

"what?! how?!"

"i don't know, all i know is that we have to hide"

me and ricky got into the nearest closet, shoving the suitcase underneath the bed but taking out the diary.

i didn't know what to expect when gina's mom walked into her bedroom without gina but i wasn't expecting her to be in tears.

"why? why did you do this to me?" she was hysterical, almost like something terrible had happened and i tried everything in me to not cry along with her.

then i realised that her hair was bushy. the porters always had bushy, curly hair that made them stand out but this was different. her hair was matted, like it hadn't been washed or brushed for days and that's when i noticed her hands.

they were covered in blood and my mind went to the worst case scenario...

did she kill gina?

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