Phobia of walking down step slopes. (28th of April 2011)

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Before I get onto my 'article', I would like to apologise for not posting in ages. (13 days *gulp*) I had started typing one a few days ago - I was even about to publish it - when my browser froze and my work was lost. I had being trying to work up motivation again because I felt such despair at having to start all-over again. I hope you can forgive me!


Phobia of walking down step slopes.

I have known since I was very little that I have a fear of height. When standing up on a ledge my legs shake, my breath quickens and my heart thump in my ears. I find myself moving as far away as possible and gripping something until my knuckles go white.

Recently while on holiday, I discovered a new weakness of mine; walking down step slopes. A phobia of walking down step slopes. Call it what you wil, or even a fear of heights, but I have a phobia.

Walking down the slope I either wanted to run all the way down the mountain, at risk of fligning myself off the edge, just to get it over and done with, or, i wanted to sit on my bum and crawl the whole way down. I did neither, because either way i would have looked like and idiot. So instead I walked, so afraid it may become so step that i would lose control. My legs shook with the effort of slow and steady movement and I found myself going slower and slower. It was not a pleasant walk.

What is your opinion on having a fear of heights? Can you go on rollercoasters? ( I did but had my eyes shut the whole way!) Do you have a phobia of walking down step slopes?


Book Process

I know you have all being dying to hear.  : )


Reviews - Nothing new.

Blog/Diary - One new (todays)

Last Knight - Done. Considering a new post if the idea is popular.

Drowned - Considering moving to previews.

Previews - Nothing new.

Penguin tales - Nothing new

Half-Faye - Still on-hold.

Hope that helped!!!

Let me know if you want anything priroitised!!

Pranxtor ^-^

P.S. Happy Easter!

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