I decided to do the impossible this month.
I chose to write a 50,000 word novel for my NaNoWriMo novel.
Fact is, this is my first ever novel that I might actually finish.
Do you know what is scarier?
If I reach my word limit I will get 5 FREE PAPERBACK COPIES OF MY MANUSRICPT!
Problem being I think I will run out of story before I hit my word goal. :(
So much to do, so little time....
Here is an exerpt from the story:
Kiayani sat with her back to the window, letting the weak light from outside fall on the back of her neck. The gentle rocking of the carriage was enough to put her to sleep but she adamantly refused to let drowsiness take over. In her pale hands she held open a book, attempting to read it by the dull lights in the roof. Her eyes were itchy with tiredness and the words blurred in her vision. She read for a few pages before giving up and she snapped the book shut, dropping it on the other end of the cushioned bench seat. Kiayani pushed her long black hair out of her eyes and pulling her knees up to her chest she sighed.
Not much, I know. Really sorry but i must get back to keyboard mashing. wish me luck!