I wrote Eternal Darkness in Novemeber of 2011. It was a wild, crazy and challenging experience. Doing NaNoWriMo was one of the best things I ever did as a part my writing career. Recieving my five copies of my book in paper bacvk was like living a dream.
However, this post isn't meant to be about my NaNo experience, as fantastic as it was. (However if you do want to read more about it as well as my tips for winning check out some of my other posts.)This is about that novel which was my first ever completed novel. Eternal Darkness.
Four two years I have been playing around with it, uploading it to CreateSpace, taking it down. Putting it on SmashWords and taking it down again only to make it once more available as paper back. If you search now you won't find it as I've also taken down my website.
It has occured to me that I want it read more than anything else and when the only way people can read it is if they pay for it, then it just doesn't happen.
I'm about to release it for free on Wattpad in its entirity.
This isn't because it isn't good.
It isn't because it holds no value.
I want it read because that is where its value lies.
Eternal Darkness is very important in my development as a writer and it has a place close to my heart but I believe the time has come to share it with others.
It's no masterpiece, I'll admit it. However it is a testment to my will power (my friends would say stubborness) and what can be achieved if you put your mind to it.
If there is a demand for it I will make the book available in ebook and print once more and perhaps tailor the cost to something that you guys believe is appropriate and that you can afford. If this happens I will create a refined version of the novel and add extras while keeping a version free on Wattpad.
Now onto the more boring topics of conversation.... I guess this post should have been more like an apology but I don't think it is needed. I've been very busy at school and my status has been "on hiatus" for a while now. I would like to say that I'll be more active but chances are I won't be uploading much new stuff. Luckily I have the whole book to upload (ED) so that should carry me through until next year.
On another note I am halfway through a Creative Writing unit at school. While writer's block might be dragging me down currently I am happy to say that my writing and editing skills are improving. There is just so much to learn!
Hopefully I will write again before the end of the year, if not Merry Christmas!
Happy Halloween too!
Pranxtor x