17th of September 2011

44 1 2

Wow, it really been awhile since a last uploaded.... Really sorry! :( 

To make it up to you I have some treats- some stories I dug up while cleaning my room! (This is where you shout and jump with joy ; ] )

I call this first one The Fern, The Hobo and Santa:

"Help me!" cried the burning tree furn.

"No, you hobo!" yelled the homeless man.

"You homo hobo!" shouted the fern.

"Yeah! Help the poor fern!" yelled Santa.

"Hell to the NO! You help it if you like it so much! Maybe ... You should MARRY it!" cried the homeless man, in jealousy.

"That I shall!" yelled Santa.

"STUFF this!" said the tree fern before getting up on its' legs and jumping in the river. Smoke twisted into the sky.

"Superdude is here! To save the day!" Superdude rushed in.

"Oh! Isn't he so cute!" gasped the tree fern, her roots turning bright red.

"You appear to be in great danger of spontaneously combusting my dear lady with roots that red!" cried Superdude.

"Your dear lady?" roared Santa, "You must be mistaken. I was clearly here first."

"Excuse me," said the hobo in a polite voice that didn't really suit him,"I believe I was here first."

'Wow,' thought the fern, 'I've never had so much attention before since that hobo flicked a cigarette my way and refused to help.'

'Oh wait," she thought, 'that is happening right now!'

"She's mine!" growled Superdude before grabbing the poor fern out of the water and flying into the air.

"Help me!" she cried, although she was secretly enjoying it, "This man is fern-napping me!"

Santa whistled, then out of nowhere appeared a reindeer with a bright red noise, Santa hopped on and him and the reindeer lept into the air, "I'm coming my dear."

However Santa was to fat for the reindeer and it graduly lost speed.

The reindeer returned to the ground and Santa hopped off and turned to face tjhe hobo, "Race after them my young sir, and you shall be rewarded."

"I like rewards!" said the hobo, as he clambered onto the reindeer.

They would have to fly fast to catch up to Superdude, "Hurry,Rudolph!" the hobo called above the roar of an engine. 

Looking up, th hobo saw a helicopter in the distance.

"Ahhhhh....!" cried the fern as she fell from Superdudes grip as he crashed into the Cadburyhelicopter.

A light shone from the light and a furry duck appeared from the clouds.

"Shut up! I'm trying to sleep!" yelled the duck and disappeared.

Everyone stopped and looked very confused.

"Oh, for Gods sake, somebody help me!" the fern yelled drawing all attention back to her.

Both the hobo and the reindeer raced towards the fern as she plummeted, however it looked as though they weren't going to make it....

Sadly this is the end......

For Superdude, who after dropping the fern died of lightning strike.

Then Victoria came out of nowhere and said, "that looks random!"

And the hobo said, "Oh, yess.... this is my sister everyone."

Everyone greeted her.

"Ok! This is the end!" sobbed the fern as she was on metres from the ground.

Santa took off his jacket and held it under the fern.

"I'll catch you my love!" Santa yelled.

Instead the fern fell onto Santa almost crushing him.

"Where's my reward?" questioned the hobo as he and the reindeer touched down on the ground.

"What reward?" Victoria asked, her interest climbing.

"Uh, nothing ..." said Santa.

Victoria gave Santa an evil stare.

"I did what you said! So give me the REWARD!" yelled the hobo who was starting to get very angry.

"Give me the reward or else I'll kill everyone here!" yelled the hobo, pulling out his gun.

"Bro, put it away man!" said Victoria, panic in hyer voice, "We don't want to draw a crowd."

"Hey, I want my reward! I REALLY want that Pokemon platinum DS Game!" yelled the hobo.

"Oh, if that's all then you can have it for Christmas." said Santa.

"But I want it now!" cried the hobo.

"Do you want a lump of coal?" said Santa.

"Sure, that's worth heaps now days," said the hobo happily.

"Hey, hey! Yo guy need a chill. Fo shizzle!." some random cool guy walked in.

"Oh! You're cute!" giggled Victoria walking over to him.

"But you're not said the cool guy, sending Victoria off crying.

"You're ... so... mean!" yelled Victoria storming off.


I know what you are thinking. Wth right?

This is a product of three giggly twelve year olds with to much free time. One of those girls wasZwerple so some credit goes to her.

Cadbury is an Australian Chocolate company and the name belongs to them.

Pokemon and DS belong to Nintendo.

the characters and plot belong to us.

I hope you enjoyed this random story. :D

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