Another World - Chapter one

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A past POV

"Lucia's such a weirdo!"

"Man I feel bad for her sister"

"She's probably bullied at her school"

I turned around from my locker and stared daggers at everyone who were in the hall. 

"Oh you fucking pricks! I know your father's left your asses, but that doesn't mean you get to talk about others to feel better about yourselves!?" I yelled which made one guy walk up to me. 

"Isn't your dad dead... Lucia." he spat.

I stood there speechless. My body ended up moving on its own. 

The next thing I knew the kid was on the floor with a broken jaw and a bloody mouth. 

Everyone was surrounding me. Eyes looking at nothing but the kid and me. "Next time keep your mouth fucking shut, you sound better that way" I said.

I think it was always like this, wasn't it?

Lucia's present POV

"LUCIA? LUCIA!" Luz yelled my name in tears.

"Maybe next time you should keep your goddamn mouth shut you prick!" I spoke with venom in my mouth. We were at the front of Luz's school. I had gotten into it with the older sibling of a girl who was messing with mines. 

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" he yelled trying to get up. I kicked his hand that was trying to push himself up. The boy's younger sister ran towards him in concern and I pointed my bat at her. "Don't move any closer, or I'll make sure I rip his fucking eyeballs out and use them as a replacement for my monopoly dice." I glared at her. 

"A-Amber go home, I can handle this delinquent" he turned towards her, and she simply nodded and ran. Luz ran up to me, but I pushed her away. "Lucia... Please." she mumbled. "I'm gonna end this dickhead" I smiled. The guy got up and walked up to me, but I didn't lose my composure. "I don't give a damn if my little sister called yours a fag, or even pushed her or hurt her in any way. THAT DOESN'T GIVE YOU THE DAMN RIGHT TO-"


I punched the guy right in the face.

"Hope that leaves a mark perra" I spat on his face right after kicking it. He simply laid on the floor knocked out.

Luz finally ran up to me. "What the heck Lucia?!" she yelled. "I'm sorry hermana, you know I couldn't just sit there and let that girl get away with that?" I rolled my eyes. Luz was angry, she had all the right to be angry. She hated violence... well when I cause it for her. When I saw her hand rise up to my face I thought she was going to slap me but instead...

It was a hug. A tight one to be exact.

I dropped my bat and I leaned down to the shorter girl who was tearing up.

"H-Hey? I'm sorry you know! I try to keep calm but..." I stopped while looking down at the girl.

"I just want to go home" Luz mumbled.

"Perfect, because I can drive you both home" a voice came from the distance. I turned around and almost choked on my spit. It was mamá leaning on her car. She was mad, not just mad but MAD. I froze and so did Luz. "Heyyyy mamá" I said awkwardly while crossing my fingers. 

"Don't hey mamá me!" Camila walked up to us and Luz ran in front of me. "Mamá, it wasn't her fault... I told her to do this" Luz said. 

Camila told Luz to move and when she did Camila slapped me dead in the face. "Lucia, how many times did I tell you to stop beating up people! I've already had to deal with so many lawsuits that I barely have won, and you know I don't have time for your tomfoolery!?" she yelled as I rubbed my cheek. "Mom... I-" I tried to get out, but seeing Luz sitting in the car crying made my heart drop. 

For the First Time (Sibling AU) DroppedWhere stories live. Discover now