The dinner - Chapter 22

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I'm planning on making more TOH stories. Do you guys want to see a Lumity or Beta Lumity fanfic after this one?

Amelia POV

This was it... my whole life I've been waiting for this moment. Well... my parent's life. Maybe... just one more year until this is all over.

"Amelia dear, go sit in the limo. Your siblings are waiting in there. " Odalia smiled and directed me outside the house. "Mom, you know I don't want to be in a coven, right!? Especially... hers." I whispered the last part, all the while playing with the hem of my skirt. "Oh, is that so?" Odalia walked up to me and whispered into my ear. What she said sent chills down my spine.

"Don't think I forgot about the Boscha-situation with that human girl"

"Wow... okay. I'll sit in the car" I sighed and walked to the limo. Titan was not on my side today.


"Hey Hunt" I said with a smile. "Hmm? What's up Luz?" he asked, sitting up from his beanbag chair. We were currently in his room and I ended up spending the night as expected, so now it's Saturday morning. "What do you think Lucia and Hailey are doing right now?" I looked up from my phone with a curious expression. Mom had been checking up on me through there... but Lucia refused to talk to her. She could be so rough with mom even though all she's trying to do is help us.

Hunter sat up a bit with flapjack following him. He let him out of his cage since he was a total softy for the bird. "I dunno. Maybe they're doing the same thing we're doing. Just hanging, y'know?" Hunter sat next to me on his bed while he handed me flapjack. "Oh." was all I said while petting flap.

But I could tell we had the same idea.

"Hehe..." I giggled a bit. "You thinking what I'm thinking, the good witch Luzura?" Hunter sat up from the bed and put flap on his shoulder. "Definitely Captain O'Bailey" I smirked and sat up whilst grabbing his hand. "Let's spy on them!" We whisper-yelled simultaneously while slightly chuckling.

A few seconds later of chuckling, I saw a huge bug on the wall and instantly clung to Hunter. "What are you doing!?" Hunter awkwardly tried to support another person's body weight on him. "Dude! DO YOU NOT SEE THAT BUG!" I yelled. Hunter laughed and then looked at the wall. A second later, he clung onto me as well. "THAT THING IS HUGE! L-LET'S LEAVE BEFORE IT EAT'S US ALIVE!" Hunter screamed, and we ran out of the room into the hall. A bit later, we calmed down.

The two of us tip-toed through the huge palace. The guards didn't even want to question why or what we're doing. Privilege of being a kid.

A few minutes later of walking, we made it to Hailey's room. Although I was a bit anxious... I mean, Hailey seemed nice, but... I just can't explain it. Was I so obsessed with Lucia dating a Blight like me? No... this feeling doesn't matter. They're just frien-

"Luz? You good? Flapjack told me you we're looking worried. " Hunter's eyebrows furrowed while setting his hand on my shoulder. "H-Huh? Oh no, I'm fine. C'mon, let's scare them!" I smiled, careful to not make much noise. Hunter nodded and slowly opened her door. When he did, his eyes widened. "Aw, Luz they're so peaceful. Look at them" Hunter said with a grin. I moved to the slightly opened door and tried not to giggle at what they were watching. "P-Pfft... there's no way those two are watching Bluey..." I slightly laughed. "Hey! Bluey's an American classic. It was hard to get Eda to give us those from the human realm. " Hunter pouted. "I-I get it... sorry. " I covered my mouth while I felt my face lift trying not to laugh. Maybe they weren't anything more than friends. They're just cuddling.

"Come on... don't make a sound. " Hunter smirked and opened the door enough for him to sneak in, but enough for them not to notice. I followed behind him as we entered the room and quickly closed the door. "You're pretty good at this" I whispered into his ear. "Yep, I used to go on missions with sis when I was just ten. " Hunter grinned with pride. "Oh really? Good job you. You're like a real captain O'Bailey now. " I smiled and continued to walk to their bed. When we got to the side Hailey was lying on, Hunter signaled me to crawl to the side Lucia was on. I nodded and quickly crawled over there.

For the First Time (Sibling AU) DroppedWhere stories live. Discover now