Chilling with the Wittebane's (pt1) - Chapter twenty

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Lucia POV

After a rough week of warming up to Amelia and her friend's, it was FINALLY Friday. Y'know usually I'm not this happy about sitting at home laying in my bed but... Luz is supposed to be going to a friend's house. King was going to the park with Eda. Then for Hooty... well Hooty is dead asleep. Meaning, I'd have the whole house to myself.

Apparently, Amelia and her family had an 'important' meeting to prepare for tomorrow. It was a bit sad because we we're planning on going to the movies today. Just us two... alone. TITAN AGHDHB. AMELIA CURSE YOUR PARENTS. I UNDERSTAND HOW LUZ FEELS NOW. Another thing is, Hailey and Mateo we're supposed to be busy tomorrow as well, so I hadn't had the chance to hang out with them either. But regardless I might hang out with Wionna or something... actually yeah, I haven't been with her in a while. That sounds like a great idea.

I yawned and stretched out on my bed. Just a great day... I could lay here and be lazy without anyone bothering m- "LUCIA" someone yelled barging into my room. There goes my peaceful weekend. "Yes mommm..." I dragged out my sentence and sat up. Eda was standing there with King in her hair. She looked like a soccer mom dropping their kid off at a game. "Pack something for the weekend. Luz wants you to go with her to the Emperor's house" Eda pouted. "What why! Plus don't you hate him!?" I yelled in annoyance. "Yes... but he dropped my wanted criminal thing about a month ago, so we're... okay" she rolled her eyes. "But Eda! I- I thought- If I went-" I frowned. Yes I loved hanging out at the Emperor's coven, but wouldn't that be disturbing them? If they're busy why the hell would I even go over there! Luz is one thing, but she could just stay in Hunter's room. I'm another thing, I can't stay over there if Hailey and Mateo are busy?

"No but's, if's, why's or what's. I don't trust Luz going over there, sure Hunter's been here before but... she hasn't been over there. But you have." Eda sighed. "Eda... I..." I contemplated a bit. "Lucia please? Your sister really wants to hang out with Hunter. They we're on the scroll, and they sounded so excited to have a sleepover. The Emperor said it was fine" Eda smiled. It sounded like she really cared about this. Dammit! "Fine..." I sighed and got up. If Belos said it was okay, then I guess it's okay then. "Great! Pack some clothes, I'll drop you two off" Eda said and closed my door. Just great.

A few minutes later I finished packing up my backpack and slid on a hoodie with some cargo pants. I headed up the stairs and saw the group waiting on me. "You took forever Lucia! I have to take revenge over the mortal who pushed me down the slide yesterday!" King let out a hysterical laugh. "Aww... I wish I could see you and your little buddy playing..." Luz frowned while hugging King. "HE IS NOT MY LITTLE BUDDY! HE IS A DEMON SENT FROM HEL-" I instantly covered King's mouth and awkwardly laughed. "You know what. I'm not even going to ask where he learned that word from, because the answer is obvious." Eda looked at me and then opened the front door.

We headed outside quietly, careful to not wake up Hooty. Then we got in the car and drove off to the Emperor's palace. It took quite a bit but we made it. "Alright. Listen closely you two." Eda made a serious face as we both hopped out of the car. She grabbed our shoulder's and made it so all of our faces we're leaned together in... a secret huddle? It definitely wasn't necessary. "I know the Emperor is rich, and it's probably a lot of fun over there. But remember where you came from okay? Eda the Owl Lady!" Eda smiled. "Eda, you know we wouldn't replace you for anything in the world" Luz smiled and hugged her. "Yep! Even my mom" I smiled. Luz looked at me with a face of shame, but I simply shrugged my shoulder's. "I can hear you all y'know!? Stop with this heart-warming farewell and drive me to the park!" King yelled which made Eda laugh in response. "Okay then kiddo's! Have fun, tell Hunter I said hey alright? He's a good kid" Eda replied and got back into the car. "We will!" Luz yelled and skipped to the front door.

I followed right after her while waving at King and Eda. The two drove off, and we were standing in-front of the door. Luz held out a fist about to knock, but she stopped. "You good?" I asked. That's right, she hadn't been here before. "Yeah... I'm fine. Just a bit nervous that's all" Luz replied. I sat my hand on her shoulder and smiled. "It's alright, everyone in there is cool. Except for Kikimora... she hates kids." I shivered at the thought.

Luz laughed and knocked on the big door. I think she calmed down a bit. A few seconds the door opened and we we're greeted by a man in a coven suit. "Yo!" the man smiled and took his helmet off to greet us. "Oh, uhm. Hello? Do I know you?" I mumbled and shook his hand. Luz was right behind me with her cat hood up. She always did that when she was nervous, dad... bought that hoodie for her. "Aw man, you don't! I thought I would totally remind you of someone Lucia." The man frowned waving his brown hair around. I squinted a bit. Nope, not reminded of anything. "Matt?" Luz mumbled. Huh? "Close! I'm Steve Tholomule, his older brother" Steve smiled. Ohhh! "Wow! I'm shocked, thank you for raising such nice people. Mateo's my friend you know" I replied in shock. "I know that haha, him and Hailey talk so much about you. Matt talks so much about you and your friend's too Luz. Mostly about that Gus guy" Steve thought for a moment and Luz smirked. "Oh really?" she smiled.

Steve nodded and as he was talking someone tapped his shoulder. "Steve." their raspy voice whispered. "Aww c'mon! I don't wanna go" Steve frowned. "They're my guest's not yours!" Hunter revealed himself pouting. He wore a wolf shirt and black shorts. "You're wearing the wolf shirt I gave you!" Luz ran up to Hunter while Steve made his exit. "Y-Yeah... Willow and you said it was cool so... It's my favorite shirt now. Thanks, Luz" Hunter smiled. Luz punched his arm in a playful but friendly manner. "Don't mention it! Plus... you and Willow huh~?" Luz smirked. "Oh what a shocker!?" I ran up to the two. Hunter blushed and looked away. "Is that why you grew your hair out too? Willow did say she liked people with long hair a while back" Luz teased. "So you'll be Wionna's brother-in-law hmm?" I smiled at the thought and patted his back.

"Y-You guys! I-I... w-well it's true I like her a bit... b-but!" Hunter defended himself, but we wouldn't let him have it. "Nope! We're gonna talk all about it" Luz smiled, and she wrapped her arm around his left shoulder. "Don't leave a detail out" I gave him a shit-eating-grin while wrapping my arm around his right shoulder. We practically dragged the poor boy to his room. Wionna was going to be pissed if they got together, and I was willing to see that.

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