For the First Time - Chapter three

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Two days had passed since the duo of human siblings arrived.

They've gotten used to their new rooms and Lucia even hung out with Wionna a couple of times.

But today... today they would be going to school. Today their whole experience of the boiling isles was about to change for the better or worst.

Lucia POV

"LUCY GET YOUR ASS UP!" Eda yelled as she slapped my face. "Ten more minutes mom..." I mumbled to be slapped again. "Oww?! You piece of shit!" I yelled at the old lady in front of me. "Oh you wanna fucking die! I beat up teens, I will not hesitate!" Eda shot at me with a death stare to accompany it.

I seriously felt like she wasn't kidding, so I got up and stared at my uniform laying on the bed. Eda exited my base- room and headed upstairs to cook some griffin eggs. Luz and I actually started to get used to this witch food, but that didn't mean we didn't bring our own human snacks and food.

I walked to my uniform and put it on. It was a weird uniform to say the least, and it definitely looked like it was unisex. Which it was, Eda told me all students were the same thing just different colors based on what classes they took. Mines was gray still, I hadn't chosen what classes I wanted yet.

When I got my clothes on I went into the bathroom to fix my bed head. It was still messy, but I didn't really care, I was going to wear a beanie for a reason. I brushed my teeth and washed my face, then I put my signature beanie on. I was not going to leave anywhere without this on. I headed back into my room and packed my bag. Glyphs? Yes. Bat? Yes. I also packed a glacier freeze Gatorade and a party sized bag of cheese puffs. Cheese puffs are elite. Then finally, some Marlboro cigs.

Eda sold them here, I assumed she stole like a whole factory of them when she was in the human realm. I'm lucky enough to get them before she starts opening the shop. They sold some here, but she said they tasted like shit, so I'd rather stick to the best.

"Done!" I smiled cheekily. Just then someone burst through the door wearing the same uniform as me. "Come on Lucia! Come on!" Luz yelled. She wore the same uniform as me because she's going to the normal Hexside Academy while I'm going to Hexside's University Academy. They were two different things, but they were made by the same person, so it's the same rules.

"Alright alright ya' little devil!" I ruffled her hair, grabbed my bag, and we went upstairs.

Eda stood there waiting with a smile on her face. "You ready?" she asked waving her car keys in the air. "Yep!" Luz yelled running outside to the car, almost forgetting to greet Hooty on the way out. The poor thing almost teared up.

"Hey King, I'll see you alright? Be back soon" I smiled and leaned down to give the little skull dog thing a hug, but he beat me to it. "I'll miss you Lucia *sniff*" he said on the verge of crying. I scratched his neck and smiled. "I'll miss you too bud" I replied and headed out the door giving Hooty a slight wave.

I had gotten used to this place.

I hopped into the car, and we dropped off Luz first, her school took in earlier. "Bye Luz! Have fun, don't do anything I would do!" I yelled at the girl who was frowning in embarrassment. Everyone was whispering about us being humans and Luz immediately had a bunch of students run up to her. Good job Luz, being known in a good way on the first day.

Then Eda was driving me to my school that was only twenty minutes away. Well twenty is a bit large of a number considering the schools are both made by the same person, but that's probably better that way. University students are sometimes pedos around little kids.

"Alright kiddo, make good choices" Eda smiled. I shot finger guns at her "You know that's not going to happen" I smirked and opened the door to close it. I could see Eda smiling while driving off.

For the First Time (Sibling AU) DroppedWhere stories live. Discover now