The gang has a plan - Chapter 25

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Lucia POV

I watched as the familiar girl sat right next to me. "Hey... Blight." I hugged my legs close to my chest and looked at the floor of the porch. "Sorry... I shouldn't have gotten so mad at you earlier." Amelia awkwardly laughed. "Oh... that. Y-Yeah... it's fine. I know why you got so angry, so you don't need to apologize." I replied.

Then it was quiet.

I mean who could blame her? I would be quiet if Amelia found out I liked her too... I just don't know what to do. Should I tell her I like her too? Or should I go back home? It would probably be better if I went home anyway. Amelia doesn't need me here.

No one really need's me here.

Amelia POV

I turned to Lucia and saw her eyes slightly downturned. She looked like she was genuinely thinking about something. "You okay Lucia?" I asked and grabbed her hand. Not even a second later Lucia snatched her hand away from me, and she looked a bit shocked. "Oh... s-sorry. I didn't mean to." she laughed a bit. "N-No it's fine. I shouldn't have touched you. Uhm. You okay?" I asked once again. Titan this was awkward.

"Yeah I'm fine." was all she said.

Then it went into another stage of just pure silence. She was the one to usually break it... but she seemed focused right now.

"So uh... I guess you know about my feelings for... you now, huh?" I awkwardly smiled. "H-Haha yeah..." Lucia replied. "How do you... feel about me? I know we had some ups and down's, and I know you probably don't like me like how you used to before the Boscha incident-" I rambled but was stopped a second later.

"Sorry Amelia, I-I need to talk to Eda about something. Maybe we can talk about this later?" Lucia got up in a hurry, but I grabbed her hand on instinct. "Lucia... please this is..." as I was speaking Lucia turned back to me... but the face she made crushed my heart. It was a face of confusion and discourage. I let go of her hand and she walked back into the house, not saying a word.

What happened to you in such a short time Lucia? Did I do something...?

Lucia POV

Ughhh... I just want to go to bed.

I dragged my soulless body up the stairs to Eda's room and knocked a few times. Not getting a answer for a while, I was about to go back downstairs until the door opened. "Oh. It's just Lucia" King replied and shut the door behind me.

"Just Lucia? Harsh" I rolled my eyes and walked up to Eda in her weird bed-nest thing.

I sat down next to her and sighed. "Eda?" I tapped the older ladies shoulder waiting for a response when she turned to me. "WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL IS THAT ON YOUR FACE!?" I screeched. "Huh? It's a face mask dummy" Eda rolled her eyes. Yeah no... that looks like a bear just slobbed all over her face and a toddler sticked m&m's on it. "O-Oh. Uhm okay, face mask it is?" I smiled nervously. "That's what I said! It looks like the spider queen just laid another triplet pair on her face!" King pointed at Eda and she slapped his hand. "You're just jealous! By the time this thing comes off, all the men and women will be rushing to me. M-Maybe even Raine too" Eda pouted. "Gross, old people love" I gagged.

"Wow! Don't act like I don't see you and Boots number two flirting it up" Eda slapped my back playfully. "What!? N-No we don't!?" I tried to get off the topic. "Oh right! Why'd you come here Lucia? Aren't your friends downstairs? Or did you miss us~" King climbed on my lap and laid down. "Maybe I do miss you guys a bit. Hexside has been overworking me" I sighed. "Y-You miss us!? N-Not that I didn't already know that-" King played it off cool. "Mhm..." Eda mumbled.

"Pfft... I guess I just don't really have time to breathe." I replied to King's previous question. "You got stuff on your mind kid?" Eda wrapped a arm around me. "A bit... actually that was a lie. I literally have a million things running through my mind". I looked out the window of her room and smiled. "Do you guys really need Luz and me here? I mean... I caused so much trouble. Wionna told you both about what happened with Belos earlier right?" I asked while looking at Eda's green face, due to her facemask. "Well... she did yes. But Belos has always been like this... so if it's anyone's fault it's his and Hailey's." Eda smiled and pulled me closer to her. "But... what if it's not Hailey's fault? I mean... she fell in love with me, so she must be a good person right? Why... would she lie to Amity and Amelia?" I bit my cheek and closed my eyes. "What if I'm the problem? Maybe if Luz came here on her own then none of this would have happened. Now I texted mom to take us home without telling Amelia how I feel about her..." I mumbled.

"YOU WHAT!?" King and Eda shouted simultaneously. "Que? Oh, well I found out Amelia actually liked me after all this time... I didn't know what to say, so I left." I looked away with a sigh. "OH SHUT UP LUCIA" King yelled at me. I was caught off guard. "What!? What did I do!?" I yelled back. "Well... if you think about it. You're not the victim here" Eda smiled half-heartedly. "Don't you think I know that?" I looked at Eda with a eyebrow raised. "Think about it. How would you feel if someone you liked left after you took the effort to confess to them?" Eda gripped both of my shoulder's. "Hmm? I guess I would be a bit upset." I thought for a moment. "Now think about what you did to Amelia" King got off my lap and stood in front of me. I thought for a second and my eyes widened. "Oh shit! I just did the same thing!" I yelled in shock. Titan! I'm so stupid, Amelia...

"See? Lucia you're oblivious!" King pointed at me. "See! I knew Luz got that from somewhere. Where's my fifty snails King." Eda held her hand out. King sighed and pulled out snails from his pocket. Wow... they really betted on me. "So what are you going to do now?" Eda asked while sliding the money into her pocket.

What... am I going to do now?

Amelia POV

I walked into Lucia's room and saw a strange bunch of people together. Wait... when did Boscha get here? Did she just come? You know what, never mind. "Oh hey look. It's Amelia" Willow pointed at me. That's when my eyes lightened up. "Willow is that you!?" I ran up to the girl who was sitting on Lucia's bed next to Hunter. "U-Uhm, yeah." Willow mumbled. I instantly hugged the girl with a smile. "Aww! I haven't actually gotten the chance to speak with you in forever! I'm so sorry about my stupid little sister" I glared toward Luz who had Amity sleeping on her. Luz simply shrugged her shoulder's in confusion. "O-Oh, no it's fine! I-It wasn't Amity's fault" Willow waved her hands side to side urgently. I looked at Wionna confused and turned back to Willow. "She's so tiny and cute" I mumbled. I want to adopt her...

Then my eyes adverted back to Wionna. "What the hell happened to you?" I asked. I could tell Wionna popped a vein and which was accompanied by a slight death glare. "You... You and Lucia happened." she spoke and not even a second later started talking with Hunter. It looked like she had that same attitude with him. Is this like a 'Don't break my daughter's heart.' situation? Poor guy.

I looked around the room a bit before I saw Boscha and Mateo talking while sitting on the floor. I walked over to the two and sat next to Boscha. "Hey" I said, not expecting to start a conversation. "Yo Blight... so we found a plan that might work." Mateo smiled. "Might? If this doesn't work Lucia and Luz might be in trouble. Plus my mom will kill me if she found out I was at Eda's house" I sighed. "They probably already know you're here" Boscha replied. "That's even worse then." I sighed once again. It seems like everyone's been sighing today. "Trust me. It'll work... we just need Lucia to do it." Mateo thought for a moment. "It better work... I don't want mom to be mad at me, that's one thing. But... Amity is another thing too." I glanced at my sleeping sister as I watched Luz play with her hair.

I don't want Amity to lose Luz. She's the only thing that made her feel free. And I couldn't even do that as her sister... so if Belos win's at trying to be matchmaker for people then I wouldn't forgive myself.

"Hola, I'm back guys! What's the plan?" Lucia walked in the room with a unusual smile.

I also... don't want to lose Lucia either.

Actually. I'm not going to lose her. I'll make that promise to myself, and Amity needs to do that for Luz as well.

But the first step to completing that promise is to find out if Lucia still has those feelings for me.

I looked at the girl who proceeded to give Hunter a knuckle sandwich.

Lucia, just what are you thinking right now?

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