Exploring the Isles - Chapter two

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Lucia's POV

When we arrived at the owl house Luz instantly jumped around in joy. 

"Witch house, witch house!" she repeated constantly. I grabbed her head and ruffled her hair up. "Chill out you little weirdo" I chuckled. When we got to the door Eda was about to unlock it when there was a weird... bird tube thing in our way.

"Hoot, hoot! What's the password!~" they said in this weird high-pitched voice.

Luz looked disgusted and I was amazed.

"Woah a cool looking but disgusting bird worm! Nice, Eda" I smiled.

"Yes, yes, Hooty let us in, or you might wake up with a loss of a eye" Eda spoke while leaning her two fingers getting ready to poke the thing in the eye. Hooty opened the door and simply sighed. "Jeez... Dang... Never want to have any fun!" he rolled his eyes and we walked inside. 

"Alright you two, so I'm going to show you your rooms alright? Then you can put your stuff in there and help me out for the day" Eda smiled. "Sounds like a plan" I nudged Luz playfully. Luz walked upstairs and I walked downstairs. Eda brought Luz to her room and then went downstairs to mines.

"Okay, so your room might be slightly bigger since it used to be the basement, but that's okay with you right?" Eda asked as we opened the door to my room. "What! Dude that's totally fine, I've always wanted to live in a basement like a groggy teen" I smiled. Eda stared at me while blinking a few times. "You were being sarcastic right?" she asked. "No I was being dead serious" I said while bringing my Duffel bags and my backpack into my room. Eda patted my back and smirked. "Hey, you've got a good sense of humor, just like me" Eda smiled and this time I smiled back.

There was something about this lady, she felt like a real mom. I wonder how her and Camila became friends?

I got my stuff set up, and I even brought my ps5 and nintendo switch that I got from a rich aunt for my birthday. I never really liked her much though. My mom told me that I was lucky to have such kind people around me, but that was a lie because I had to see her face every day.

I jumped on my bed and turned on my phone. For some reason the Wi-Fi worked better here than where I lived. It was kind of odd, but I didn't choose to question it.

A few minutes of me scrolling on YouTube shorts, Eda and Luz barged in. "Are you ready!" Eda smiled. Luz came behind her holding some weird dog thing. "Eda! Get your weird little witch apprentice off me!" he yelled. "Edaaaaa! He's so cuteeee!" Luz said. Eda simply chopped her head and I laughed. I got up and headed to the door. "Yep, I'm ready" I smiled. I grabbed my bat by the door and petted the little dog thing. "Alright King, make sure Hooty doesn't eat any scorpions and watch the fort" Eda scolded the thing who was looking ready to watch the house.

"You can count on me! King of the seas, of the world, OF THE OWL HO-" we let him continue his thing and walked upstairs to leave.

We hopped on the weird staff thing and flew to our destination.

"Okay kiddo's we're here" Eda said hopping off first and us following her. It looked like we were at some sort of... coffee shop? We walked inside and were shocked... it looked like a totally normal one back home. "Welcome to the Owl Shop!" Eda walked behind the counter smiling. "Oh... I see what's going on. You want us to help you do your chores" I frowned and so did Luz. "Yep!" Eda yelled in excitement. "Ughhh" I mumbled.

"Maybe if you do this for me, I'll teach ya' both how to do real magic!" Eda smiled. We instantly got our aprons on and got ready to clean.

A few hours passed and we were finally finished. "Hey, look we're done!" Eda smiled. "Now you can run this shop again right?" I asked. "Yep! Maybe you can even work for me!" Eda smiled. "Yeah sure, if I get money from it" I smirked and Eda gave me a thumbs up. "About that magic you were talking about..." Luz mumbled. "Oh right! Come here" Eda signaled us to sit in a booth in the shop. We sat down and saw her pull out a pen and pieces of paper.

"Hmm?" Luz hummed and looked carefully.

"So, this is called glyph magic. This is the only magic you two humans can use until you get a personal palisman or staff" Eda said while drawing a circle and telling us to follow her every direction.

A few seconds later we were done. "Now you touch" Eda demonstrated and as she did, ice came from her glyph. Luz was amazed and so was I to be honest. "It's your turn 'Luzura'" Eda smiled and Luz did the same but hers was bigger and brighter. Luz tapped the piece of paper and a ball of light formed around her hand.

I stared at mines and bit my lip. "Alright Lucia..." I mumbled and pressed the paper.

A green vine formed around my finger, and I was astounded.

Was this what real magic was like?

"Amazing right?, lately I've gotten enough money to afford two scrolls for you both" Eda smiled and reached in her pocket. "Scrolls?" Luz asked confusingly. "They're like phones, but for witches. Plus a lot thinner" Eda replied while pulling out two weird floating devices. She handed me the red one and handed Luz the purple one.

"Thank you... Eda" I smiled as Luz stared down the scroll. "Don't mention it! Now what are you two waiting for? Go out there and explore, be home before eight at night alright?" Eda smirked as Luz was ready to run out the door. I grabbed her jacket and sighed. "We'll be home as soon as we can alright?" I smiled. Eda gave me a thumbs up and we headed out.

Luz and I were walking on a train while I swung my bat around humming. "Alrighty... what to do..." trailed off. "Ooh! Should we go into that plant shop! It looks like they're trying to eat the people inside!" Luz smiled in joy.

"What the hell Luz?! Are you trying to get killed?!" I yelled. Luz turned to me and gave me the side eye. "What did I say about cursing." Luz mumbled. "Ugh! Fine fine, let's go inside and get eaten to death!" I yelled sarcastically and we went inside the store. When we got in, there was a huge selection of dangerous plants. Luz already went running off and I simply sighed.

I went off to find her when I bumped into someone.

"Hey watch where you're going!" I yelled.

The person got up and shot back at me. "Dude chill, accidents happen?" they replied.

Maybe I should do just that.

"Sorry, it's a habit. My names Lucia, Lucia Noceda" I held my hand out and the person shook mines. "Wionna Park here, and I can guess that's your little sister sticking her hand into the piranha tank?" they asked. I turned to where Wionna pointed and saw Luz. "LUZ! Get your ass back here before you cut your fucking hand off!?" I yelled at the girl who immediately came back running to me. "Sorry! I was just curious!" Luz pouted and looked away. "Pfft, I have one just like that. She's fourteen" Wionna spoke while chuckling. "Yeah this one is too" I rolled my eyes which made Luz stick her tongue out at me.

"Wionna come on! We have to pick up your sister from school!" A man with blue hair yelled. "Ugh, fine!" Wionna yelled before pulling out a scroll. "Can I get your number? I may have not said anything about it, but it's really cool seeing a human here" Wionna smiled weirdly. "Sure, nice meeting you too. Maybe we can get our demon siblings to be friends or something" I sighed and pulled out my scroll.

Luz gave me a stare and rolled her eyes. "Wow, rude" Luz huffed. Wionna and I said our goodbyes and dragged Luz out the store. "What?! We're leaving already?" Luz sighed as we walked on the trail that leaded to the house.

"Well one, I'm tired, and two Eda said we need to go to sleep because the day after tomorrow we're going to school" I sighed at the thought while scrolling through my messages with Eda. Luz smiled and hugged me. "Witch school! Lucia, I'm going to become the best witch ever!" Luz yelled. "Maybe even meet some hot witches there-" Luz said, and I immediately hit her in the head. "No boyfriends yet!" I yelled. "Who ever said it had to be a boy~" Luz ran off, and I chased after her.

"Well as long as they don't break your heart" I caught up to her and sat her on my shoulder's. "Aww! So caring~ I might even get a girlfriend before you Lucia" Luz smirked and pulled my hair. "Oh you little-"

For the First Time (Sibling AU) DroppedWhere stories live. Discover now