Loyalties and Loves

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Author's Note

All of the character origins in the Central Reality which is my version of a Star Wars and MCU crossover differ from the established Canons of Disney Star Wars and the MCU. These changes are necessary to reveal that reality can be altered on a multiversal level but only by attacking and/or infiltrating the Central Reality using specific powers or artifacts. My shared universe needed to have altered character backstories for it to be stable and not fall apart like other alternate universes.

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Darth Vader and Doctor Strange keeled over in agony as Wanda infiltrated Vader's memory. She was tormenting Vader with his failure to develop Galen Marek into a true apprentice that would allow him the opportunity to rule the Galaxy. Vader tried in vain to block the memory but soon he became submerged within it. Vader realized Wanda's love for Galen was genuine and he wondered if he underestimated his former apprentice.

Vader stood by the side window of his airship as he waited the arrival of Galen Marek who he deemed the First Brother. He would be the first of several Knights of the Dark Side that would serve as Jedi Hunters and Dark Side Force Sensitive recruiters. Marek was a Padawan who had a natural affinity for the darkside. Vader discovered him prior to his disfigurement by Obi Wan and hid him away in the slums of London Coruscant.

In two short years Marek successfully killed other Jedi Padawan he had befriended and captured the Jedi Master Luminara Unduli that was killed by the Empire in a public execution. The Emperor went along with this idea for Master Unduli's fate by the urging of Chief High Governor Tarkin. Vader realized quickly that Marek had the gift of foresight through the Force and that once the Clone Wars began Marek subconsciously knew it would lead to the fall of the Jedj. This allowed him to excel and learn more than even the Grand Inquisitor who succeeded Galen as leader of the Inquisitorious. Vader relaxed upon seeing the First Brother approach him.

"The Emperor's fleet has arrived." Vader announced

"You have lured the Emperor to us.  When do we strike?" The First Brother asked in a excited whisper

"I did not summon him." Vader said solemnly

As the door opened and the Emperor entered the room, the First Brother turned around. At that moment Vader stabbed him through the chest with his lightsaber.

"The Emperor's spies amongst his personal guardians followed you here." Vader whispered

The First Brother rolled around on the ground in agony as he struggled to breathe. Vader ignored him and stared at the Emperor who looked infuriated.

"What is thy bidding my master?" Vader asked bowing his head feigning ignorance

"Don't patronize me. I know of your secret plans. You have forgotten your place Lord Vader. You really thought you could take my place as Emperor, by secretly using this boy as your apprentice but disguising his role to be one of the Inquisitorious. I realized your intentions when he captured Jedi Master Unduli. Galen defeated her with little effort suggesting you taught the boy more than he should know.
I realized he was different than the Inquisitors and that you were training him an apprentice." Darth Sidious chastised

"I'm sorry master. The boy was gifted. I didn't want to waste the potential he had." Vader explained

Palpatine laughed and said, "All you've done is expose your weakness and doomed this young man to a painful and miserable death. In fact your punishment will be to know your betrayal lead to his resentment of you as he dies in agony Lord Vader."

Palpatine continued laughing and used Force lightning on Galen and he howled in pain and agony. Crying and yelling for the pain to stop Darth Sidious cackled with glee. Galen's screams intensified and he begged Vader to help him but Vader knew that would be pointless. If he intervened to save Galen his master would kill them both even more painfully and slowly. Vader felt pity for Galen mixed with sorrow. He could feel his life force dimming but it would be several minutes before he was finally dead. Vader knew those minutes felt like hours to Galen. Vader finally relaxed when Galen breathed his final breath after whimpering and moaning in pain.

"Burn the body. Do not speak the name Galen Marek again. And as I instructed you before...don't train any of Inquisitors in the ways of the Sith. Only teach them what is necessary to kill or capture surviving Jedi and Force Sensitive who refuse to join us."

"Yes my master." Vader said giving another bow

Vader ordered a nearby droid to throw a thermal charge. The charge detonated and the charred smoking body of Galen Marek turned to ash. Vader tapped into the anger he held towards this situation and Wanda screamed in pain. Vader could now see the Sanctum and to his surprise saw Strange restrain the Galen with the magical bands of cyttorak. He could peer inside Wanda's mind now and saw how this variant of Wanda differed from the Central Reality Wanda who had the choas magic of the famed Scarlet Witch.

Alternate Wanda was mimicking the choas magic of the Scarlet Witch but utilizing the Darkhold. The ancient book formed by the Demon Chthon that granted its users their deepest desires. Galen used this book to defeat Vader and the Emperor in the alternate universe. Then the Darkhold lead him to Wanda who sought to ressurect her dead brother Pietro Maximoff who was killed along with the Jedi during the Jedi purge led by Vader under the Emperor's orders.

Wanda failed to ressurrect Quicksilver. Instead the magic within the Darkhold allowed Wanda to create her two children Thomas and William alongside the Sith magic of alternate Galen. However the children were sick and weak and not fully formed. Vader realized that this alternate First Brother was a father fighting to protect his twin children. Just as he did so many years ago but failed to do because of Padme's death. Vader shook his head reminding himself he was not the failure known as Anakin Skywalker.

Alternate Galen and Wanda's plan was absorbing the reality altering powers of the Scarlet Witch and killing anyone who attempted to protect her. Vader knew if that happened he and his master Emperor Palpatine would be erased from existence. He needed to kill this dangerous power couple to preserve the Empire and the Sith Order.

Then Vader saw a golden light appear. It formed into a portal where Loki appeared. He grabbed the Time Stone from Strange's magical medallion the Eye of Agamotto and ran off with it. Loki disappeared into another portal and Vader, Doctor Strange, Wanda and Galen followed him. Wong woke up from his earlier loss of consciousness. He was face to face with an infuriated Galen and Wanda.

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