A New Timeline and A New Teacher

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Vader and Strange watched as Mordo revealed a glowing Cube. It looked similar to the Tesseract but it was a bright white color and smaller than the Tesseract.

"Mordo you can't just be the arbiter of what is supposed to happen. Things happen outside of our control. You can't murder people on the scale of hundreds of trillions across various realities to prove a point." Strange argued

"That's exactly what you have done Strange. We shouldn't be in the same reality as Darth Vader. He is from a universe in a galaxy Far Far Away. Your interference in Dormmamu's scheme allowed destructive power to be unleashed and it resides within two individuals. Darth Vader and the Scarlet Witch. However I will set right what you allowed to transpire. If I don't do this then Vader or his master will unleash a power far greater than Dormmamu that will kill a magnitude greater than all the disasters and tragic wars that have claimed many lives." Mordo claimed

"You are a desperate man that doesn't understand what true order is. It lies with the Dark Side Mordo. What you want is chaos disguised as order. Such false order solves nothing. My master sees the true power of reality reconstruction and its not bound by arbitrary measures of what is right and wrong or of what is safely within the bounds of what can be controlled." Vader said

Vader stretched his arm and tapped into the Force but the Cube protected Mordo. It emitted a shield that blocked Vader's use of the Force. Dr. Strange spells had no effect on Mordo either and Mordo activated the Cube by touching it with both hands and saying Anakin Skywalker's destiny must be reset to what it originally was supposed to be.

May 2011

Loki was frustrated, angry and embarrassed. His plan so close to being completed was just ruined by the Avengers. Loki thought he split the group up and discouraged them from joining forces. Apparently for some unknown reason the Avengers united as one to stop him. Loki felt lied to by the universe. He was raised in Asgard in preparation for great things, his adoptive father Odin said one day he could be a great King. That his life was meant for a Glorious Purpose. The Mind gem confirmed his aspirations by showing him visions of the future.

The gem showed him the Avengers broken and defeated. Fighting amongst themselves as he saw the galactic beings and non galactic beings of Earth bow down to a new king. Loki saw that the one obstacle to these visions coming true was Anakin Skywalker. Loki close to removing the Tessseract from Dr. Selvig's device realized he needed to flee. Somewhere that Thanos or his Leuitenants couldn't find him. Loki would then formulate a new plan in order to kill Anakin Skywalker the Chosen One so that he could fulfill his destiny.

Loki finally removed the Tesseract from his holding place. He could see it glowing but it levitated away from him before he could activate its power. Loki ran after the Tesseract as it continued to float in the air. The Tesseract was gently placed in a metal briefcase. The Space gem was no longer accessible to Loki and he saw Anakin Skywalker with an ignited lightsaber. Loki stared at the look of pure rage on Anakin's face, the bright blue light shining from his lightsaber worried Loki. The hum of Anakin's weapon stood out over the sounds of fighting in the sky and streets below.

"You endangered Padme's life when you manipulated Hawkeye to attack the Helicarrier and then influenced the Hulk to attack her directly. If Obi Wan and Thor weren't there...you then killed one of our closest allies. He was one of us and for that he'll be avenged." Anakin said

"What are you talking about? Every last one of you Avengers is still alive. You being alive is ruining my glorious purpose. Being a King is my birthright..." Loki began to say

Anakin turned around and slashed Loki's arm. Loki screamed out in agony as he fell to the ground. A severe burn mark that ran down his right arm left a dark blackened wound. Loki's magical daggers lay at his side the dark magic powering them fading. The illusion of the nervous Loki explaining himself in front of Anakin disappeared. Loki struggled to his feet but realized that he had no options for escape. Anakin reached out with the Force and Loki levitated off the ground.

Loki struggled kicking the air gasping for breath. This was the conclusion of the vision that Anakin saw when Loki blasted him with energy from the Mind gem earlier.

"Arrghh!" Anakin screamed as a magic whip slashed him across his back.

He turned around to see who did it and saw a black man dressed in magician's robes disappear. Vader and Strange realized they were in the past and that Mordo's use of the Cube altered the past so that Loki escaped the Battle of New York/Lothal. Then several moments later Loki was tossed through the window onto the floor. Hulk was nearby and Loki proceeded to lecture him about his greatness. Vader shook his head at Loki's foolish and pompous attitude. Compared to himself Loki was weak and insecure. He understood what it meant to seize your destiny but unlike Vader Loki was too weak to apply this lesson practically. He lacked the will power to endure pain, betrayal and lies to seize the power necessary to do what is required to ensure peace.

"So if it's all the same to you. I'd really like that drink right now." Loki said sheepishly to Iron Man

Loki was crumpled on the ground after the Hulk slammed him on the ground repeatedly like a rag doll. The rest of the Avengers along with Obi Wan and Anakin behind Iron Man aiming their weapons at Loki.

Vader laughed at Anakin the Jedi then feeling hot shame for killing. Anakin was weak and Vader seeing that the Cube made an altered reality to where he was too weak to kill Loki infuriated him. The world started shaking and it startled the exhausted Avengers and the Jedi Anakin and his master Obi Wan Kenobi as they ate a meal at a shawarma restaurant. This foolishness was not his destiny and neither was the nonsensical choas of a Jedi Darth Maul, or a Wanda Maximoff with Quicksilver powers.

"This foolishness ends now! These are distractions from helping me achieve my destiny by serving my master! His vision will be completed not this lie! Emperor Palpatine dictates fate not your foolish beliefs Mordo!" Vader screamed

And then everything went white.

"How did you overcome my spell? I was using the Darkhold and all of my power." Wanda asked confused

Vader realized that Wanda used the Darkhold to create a powerful illusion and to mind control all the alternate version of heroes and villains that challenged Vader except Strange who for some odd reason possesed a corpse of his alternate self. In the corner of the room lay the unconcious alternate version of Wanda who was married to the alternate version of Vader's former apprentice the First Brother Galen Marek. Vader realized Wanda's motivation mirrored his original motivation when he was christened Darth Vader by Darth Sidious...to save a loved one from death. Anakin wanted to save Padme and Wanda wanted to save Vision.

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