Maul, The Last Jedi Master

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Dr. Strange appeared in the Sanctum with Chancellor Loki and Wong gasped in alarm.

"Where is the Galen and Wanda?" Strange asked

"Gone. I can't sense them within the other Sanctum's. They must be seeking another version of Anakin Skywalker to perform the ritual. If they complete it this alternate version of Wanda will have the power to find and kill the only Scarlet Witch. Then her and Galen will be able to reconstruct the Central Timeline in any way she desires." Wong explained

"You need to tell me exactly why you created a time loop that triggers when you die. This form of immortality can't be achieved using the Time Stone and you don't have access to magic that can accomplish this. So how are you doing this?" Strange asked Chancellor Loki

Chancellor Loki started laughing, "You think I'm in charge? You think I have real power? My role is Chancellor is a farce. A mere performance meant to distract people from the true leader."

"Whose that?" Wong demanded

"Me." Anakin Skywalker said

Strange eyes widened in alarm and this alternate universe Anakin reached into the dark side of the Force and probed his and Wong's mind. Wong chanted an incantation and the two Sorcerer's managed to peer inside the alternate universe Anakin's mind.

"This is Jedi shuttle 634 calling on all secure channels calling for help. Do you read? I repeat we are stranded and need immediate evac. Come in please." Ahsoka cried out

Dr. Strange realized this was in the past back when Ahsoka was young. She was in a damaged shuttle that she managed to fix enough to allow her to attempt to contact for help. Strange gathered that she, Anakin, and Obi were outside of the normal range of communication on a  remote chain of islands. He then saw Jedi Master Obi Wan Kenobi pursue Anakin into the underground cavern of a dormant volcano. He landed his speeder bike on a mound of rock surrounded by a river of lava.

"There has been a change of plan." Anakin said

Anakin pushed Obi Wan's speeder bike into the river of lava utilizing the Force.
Obi Wan stood motionless in stunned silence as Anakin continued to speak.

"I'm sorry but you will not understand what I have to do to end the Clone Wars.
You will try to stop me therefore something needs to happen for the greater good of the planet." Anakin said solemnly

Before Obi Wan could react a demonic Force being appeared. He was only known as the Son and he used Force lightning to attack Obi Wan until he died. Anakin began crying but the Son patted him on the shoulder.

"This was necessary to perform the ritual. This object is called a monolith. With it I can transport myself off this island but only if the monolith is fueled by the life force of a powerful Force Sensitive. Obi Wan was that life force.  Now that there is enough energy inside the monolith; I can accompany you to DC Coruscant to help you save the planet by ending the Clone Wars. We can kill Chancellor Loki Odinson together."

"Fine but you will spare Ahsoka. Use your lightning to knock her unconcious and then I'll drop her off in a remote area and meet you in DC Coruscant."

Alternate Anakin tapped into his anger and rage using the Force to knock everyone in the Sanctum back into the wall. He saw the monolith on a chain around Chancellor Loki's neck and he walked over to him as he lay unconcious to seize the item. Before he could grab it Strange, Loki, Wong and alternate Anakin took their places on the other side of the Sanctum.

Chancellor Loki started laughing, "You think I'm in charge. You think I have real power. My role as Chancellor is a farce. A mere performance meant to distract people from the true leader."

"Whose that?" Wong demanded

"Me." Anakin Skywalker said

And he paused for a moment realizing he was stuck in a loop activated by Strange's Time Stone but the Stone glowed brightly. Anakin forgot he was in a time loop and he reached into the dark side of the Force and probed his and Wong's mind. Wong chanted an incantation and the two Sorcerer's managed to peer inside the alternate universe Anakin's mind.

Alternate Anakin tapped into his anger and rage using the Force to knock everyone in the Sanctum back into the wall to stop the Sorceror's from peering inside his mind. He saw the monolith on a chain around Chancellor Loki's neck and he walked over to him as he lay unconcious to seize the item. Before he could grab it Strange, Loki, Wong and alternate Anakin took their places on the other side of the Sanctum.

Chancellor Loki started laughing, "You think I'm in charge. You think I have real power. My role as Chancellor is a farce. A mere performance meant to distract people from the true leader."

"Whose that?" Wong demanded

"Me." Anakin Skywalker said

And he paused for a moment realizing he was stuck in a loop activated by Strange's Time Stone but the Stone glowed brightly. Anakin forgot he was in a time loop and he reached into the dark side of the Force and probed his and Wong's mind. Wong chanted an incantation and the two Sorcerer's managed to peer inside the alternate universe Anakin's mind.

Alternate Anakin tapped into his anger and rage using the Force to knock everyone in the Sanctum back into the wall to stop the Sorceror's from peering inside his mind. He saw the monolith on a chain around Chancellor Loki's neck and he walked over to him as he lay unconcious to seize the item. Before he could grab it Strange, Loki, Wong and alternate Anakin took their places on the other side of the Sanctum.

Chancellor Loki started laughing, "You think I'm in charge. You think I have real power. My role as Chancellor is a farce. A mere performance meant to distract people from the true leader."

"Whose that?" Wong demanded

"Me." Anakin Skywalker said

And he paused for a moment realizing he was stuck in a loop activated by Strange's Time Stone but the Stone glowed brightly. Anakin forgot he was in a time loop and he reached into the dark side of the Force and probed his and Wong's mind. Wong chanted an incantation and the two Sorcerer's managed to peer inside the alternate universe Anakin's mind.


"How are you a Jedi Master? You were a Sith." Darth Vader said dismissively

"In your reality Anakin I was a Sith. But in this reality I was brought to the Jedi Temple by Jedi Master Sifo Dias as a result of a secret mission he conducted in Dathomir. I was trained by Jedi Master Qui Gonn Jinn. He and his second apprentice Obi Wan Kenobi were killed by Chancellor Loki and as a result the Clone Wars erupted. Much like your reality it was a long and hard fought war but it came to an end when Anakin Skywalker sided with the Chancellor and betrayed his fellow Jedi and the Avengers by leading the Chitauri on battle against them.

Anakin installed Chancellor Loki as a puppet trapping him in a time loop triggered by his death using a powerful magical artifact called a Monolith. A Monolith can harness spiritual energy to manipulate time, space, or matter. Our only hope of stopping Chancellor Loki's timeloop is to destroy his Monolith. So the question is Darth Vader are you willing to fulfill your destiny and kill Loki once again to bring balance to both our realities?" Jedi Master Maul asked

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