Fixing the Future

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"Anakin. Deal with Strange while I deal with your alternate counterpart." Wanda ordered pointing at the animated corpse of Dr. Strange

"You don't have to do this." Strange warned

"I do. I have to pay for what I've done and Scarlet Witch is strong enough to ensure that I will. I just have to kill you and your partner while the Scarlet Witch fights my alternate self." Alternate Anakin said

Vader realized this Anakin had ambition but it was mixed with shame and guilt. Wanda as the Scarlet Witch was able to pull these feelings deep within his subconscious thanks to the power of the Darkhold. Anakin's connection to the Force was so great he could continue to operate in Vader's universe without causing any instability in reality. Vader wondered who this silent partner of Strange was. Vader saw that they were in a severely damaged Sanctum Santorum. One he didn't recognize in a place called Wundagore.

Wanda fired energy at Vader specifically at his head to paralyze him by looking through his memories again. Vader tapped into his rage and connected fully with the Force. The red energy emitting from Wanda stopped a foot away from his helmet. Despite feeding all of his anger to the Force, he realized Wanda's power was growing. Vader wondered if his master was testing his resolve. Wanda seemed to be a much bigger threat than he originally anticipated.

Strange was using magic to animate musical notes on sheet music near an old piano to throw at alternate Anakin. Alternate Anakin grunted in pain as each note made a loud sound as it hit him. Yet he took the notes that him and the echoing sounds that they made and redirected them back at Dr. Strange using the Force. The noise became defeaning and caused Strange and Alternate Anakin to stumble disoriented. 

Vader on the otherhand struggled to fight Wanda's attempts to re enter her mind. Vader tried to use the Force to pull the Darkhold to him so he could read the contents for himself but Wanda resisted. Wanda's struggle to maintain control of the Darkhold gave Vader an opening to peer into her mind. He saw that he was the one who damaged Vision when he stormed the Jedi Temple.

He left Vision damaged on the ground because Vader's priority at the time was to kill all the Jedi but he attacked any of the Avengers who attempted to protect them. Vader could see he used the Force on Wanda when Wanda attempted to stop him from killing the younglings at the Temple. An unconcious Wanda was found by a group of Clone Troopers and brought her to his master Darth Sidious.

"My Lord this one is an Avenger but she wasn't with the others. Somehow she managed to track down Lord Vader. He and the rest of the battallion killed everyone there that didn't escape. Should we kill Ms. Maximoff or do you want to interrogate her?" The Clone Officer asked

Darth Sidious smiled as he saw the bruises on the unconcious Wanda. He knew she was a difficult challenge for his young apprentice Darth Vader. He needed to test how powerful she truly was. The Clone Officer already placed a restraining bolt on her. That was helpful because after battling Master Yoda Sidious wasn't in the mood for another extensive one on one battle.

"Wake up girl. This is no time to rest." Sidious teased

Wanda groaned and slowly got to her feet.

"Where am I? You were the one who sent Anakin after Viz. Why would you do this Supreme Chancellor don't you realize the monster you unleashed? You must help me stop him." Wanda urged

"You silly child. Ha, ha, ha. I created the monster that Lord Vader has become. Anakin Skywalker is dead. He willingly killed himself to become Vader. And you my dear...are the last person to call someone a monster considering all the destructive damage you've done during the Clone Wars. Why you've caused more destruction than the Hulk these last few years." Sidious teased

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