🧸True Love 🧸

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    Dnb-Dreamnobur||Married au||Techno is not in the sbi

Techno's p0v

As I woke up I felt warm I looked down and saw my two husband's dream and Wilbur. Wilbur was in the same position I was in cuddling dream but on the other side, I slowly got up tryin not to wake up my beloveds. As I got out of bed I saw Wilbur wake up slightly signaling me by grabbing his phone to check the time, I didn't see my phone anywhere so I couldn't check the time that's when I realized Wilbur's family was coming over or better known as sbi to me and dream.

I took a towel and got clothes Wilbur had stood up and said "good morning Love" I stared at him for a few minutes to process what was said "Good...Morning wil" I replied to him dream had woken up and was sitting up looking at us both confused after he realized he woke up dream whispered-yelled "good morning angels" as dream stood up I grabbed them both clothes and towels

After our shower dream got started on breakfast Wilbur getting dress in his normal piss yellow sweater and tan sweats while I was wearing gray sweats and a hoodie and dream was wearing Wilburs hoodie but my pants [Yes everyone the pants are to big but they dont fall down]

Authors p0v

When dream was done making breakfast Wilbur and techno had went to eat dream had made pancakes and bacon for Wilbur but for techno waffles and sausage, he made himself all of what he made for his beloveds

After they were done eating they heard a knock on the door dream went to open since he still had the apron on he looked like a girl mainly his long hair that looked white but is blond. As soon as he opened the door he got hit with hi's and hello ect. Wilbur came over to the door with techno and hugged Phil an looked at tommy and stuck his tounge out, dream looked at Wilbur "Wilbur put you're tounge back in you're mouth or no cuddles at bedtime" dream had said to Wilbur, Wilbur looked at dream then they both moved techno had went back to the couch

To be continued

[YALL SRY THERE WILL BE PART 2 IT WILL BE A BIT OF angst I promise you bye plus I wanna read Wattpad myself but 411 words]

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