💔Villian lover...💔

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Song of inspiration: Trust me not -Hero and villain duet 

Link will be in the comments since its not working for some reason

The lyrics will appear somewhere!

Dreamnap || 'Hero Sapnap' || this is in the dsmp also they are actually inside of minecraft ;)

Sapnap was visiting dream in Pandora's vault, mainly to see his lover since they hadn't broke up when dream got tossed into prison.

Right now sapnap was crossing the Redstone Activated bridge seeing dream playing with his clock that sam was on the verge on throwing in the lava be causing he though the ticking was 'annoying' but the clock was keeping dream sane so he didn't throw it..yet at least...

"Dream are you ok!"

"Yea...wait! Sappy!"

Then and there quackity came in "oh ill just give him a 'small' scar and maybe leave when sapnap heard that he stepped in front of dream " just stop sapnap... "

"What are you doing dear?"

"Here you go again... Pretending that you love me"

Sapnap looks back to where quackity was seeing him gone and looked at dre.

"When just beneath the surface you're convinced that you're above me..."

"Dig deep into the past, I've never been one for doing things half-assed, If I'm here to save you ill be here forever! Take my hand I'll be your knight in shining armor."

"You think you're a hero and they'll tell you you are~ so stoic and handsome And you've come so far~"

"You think you're a villain But I know you're not Under all the angst and anger is a"

"sapnap: Beating human heart\Dream:Dying broken heart!"

D:"Hey what about the lonely little boys?! "

"I'm sorry!"

"What about his monsters who prevailed!?"

"I'm sorry!"

"You never came to save my world"

Sapnap : What about us?\Dream : What about me?

S: "I recognize that you're upset 

S:I know they did you wrong/D:Oh! You know nothing of me!

S: Trust me please believe me this won't stop the hurt for long, We don't need to end like this Look me in my eyes!

"Here comes the hero complex"

Dream stood up his dreamons appearing in the corner to get a seat and see what would happen with their brother, Nightmare, and lucid were worried because daydream or dream was not okay physically

S : You think you're a villain but we all know its a disguise/D : I know I'm the villain but you're the one who lies...

D : So! You're back at it again? Twisting and manipulating every word Ive said

"Come on you know that's not true! I was trying to help you! Let me help you!"

"YOU ARE NOT MY HERO! You don't know how it felt! What else could you do with the cards that I've been dealt?"

"You are not my villain! You once held my hand!"

"Get out sometimes things don't go as planned"

And with that sapnap left dream in the cell in pain with what had just happened lucid stood up "We should get ExDee right nootmare" lucid asked as dream slowly slid down the obsidian wall.


They both left to go get Exdee, dream started crying from one heartbreak and two the burn of the scars that were touched by his tears.

Dream blacked out waking up in the cell but...not touching or even being on the ground he looked down and saw his body he gasped and quickly open up chat.

[Dream starved to death]

He was happy... But still had been heartbroken in the afterlife


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