🔥Fix that attitude🔥

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Dreamnoblade||married au||ranboo be their kid||angy seggs||CONSENTTT||@holywater they need you! ||petty dream   :) ||long and white haired dream


(My first smut chapterrr)

Tw :Sapnap.

Authors p0v (the whole story will be in my p0v)

Dream was driving home from sapnaps house, he was over there so they could record a cooking stream. As he reached the house he saw his lover and his father-in-law.

Dream got out his car and started to approach them but seems as Phil was going to take ranboo for the weekend. "Oh hi dream!" Phil called out to dream as he went over to the door "Hey Phil" see dream calling Phil by his name was weird as he always called Phil by the nickname of Shipza or Dadza.

Dream went into the house after 6 minutes Phil and ranboo left so techno ran upstairs into their room "what the hell was that dré!" Techno practically shouted "what was what?" Dream said techno looked furious.


Techno pushed dream down so he was laying on the bed on his back "I swear to god if you don't get you're act together I will fucking make you beg for me to stop what I will do" dream looked at techno with a straight (gay) face he rolled his eyes and that triggered techno.

Techno started kissing and biting at dreams neck all on the sensitive spots since he knew from last time they had sex, he slowly pulled down dreams pants "dream can I do this?" Dream nodded so he continued his attack and started teasing dreams hole moving his fingers around his rim.

He pushed one finger in, adding another after 30 seconds, then adding a third one he began finger fucking dream hearing dream soft moans got him turned on so he pulled his pants down and took out his cock  he felt dreams eyes on him.

"Aw poor baby man up"

"S-shut up"

Techno took his fingers out, dream whining at the loss "Shh this might hurt but be still" dream listened not wanting to cause more damage than the blade was gonna do.

Techno pushed in fast but not enough to hurt the dirty blond, he began to thrust into dream... Harshly " Techno~ pleaseee faster" techno looked displeased "Remember before you beg we set rules

1. Never call me techno or techie

2. You want something? Beg

3. Want to stop? safeword or tap sequence(safe word:ruby red)

4. Never play with yourself

5. Never and I mean ever try to get friction when I'm in charge

And that's all doll" dream looked at techno as he sighed Techno pushed in harder than usual "A-AH DADDY~" techno looked pleased "oh~ you wanted that kind of shit?" Techno said it wasn't a question but still said it in a asking way dream nodded after the nod he grabbed dream waist

Techno flipped dream over and began thrusting like how he just did making dream moan loudly "M-MH MASTER~" dream layed his head down so his ass was in the air but his upper body wasn't, that was until techno grabbed dreams hair making dream yelp in pain

Dream was looking wrecked even though they weren't close to done matter a fact it takes 2 hours to get techno to cum, back to dream looking wrecked he had drool on the side of his mouth, his hair a mess still getting gripped on, his thighs having old bite marks that didnt heal and his neck, oh his neck had purple marks all over.

He starts kissing dream just to stop dreams moans for a while after he stops kissing dream he bites dreams neck his tusks digging into dreams skin."m-mmh!? W-WHAT THE FUCK IS W-WRONG WITH YOU THAT HURTS?!" Techno smirked hearing how that hurt "awww I dont care you need to get your act together so call that part of this punishment"

Techno stopped moving making dream whimper "do you want more?" He said with a manic grin on his face "mhm... pleaseeeee give me more~" techno looked at dream displeased and dream saw how displeased he was "Please master~ give me more I just want your cock in my ass pleaseeee~"

Feeling pleased with dreams begs he begins slamming into dream letting go of his waist he grabbed dreams neck slightly choking him "M-MNGH FASTER~" 

(This is a abomination just like me °^°)

Dream came first but techno still wasn't done with dreams hole so he kept going...

(5 hours later And 2 and half amount of cumming brought by my child YuriMidnight)

Dream was laying there cum dripping out his ass, out of breath, bad news though techno didn't even give him AFTERCARE >:(

(This is a abomination help me I'm crying on my bed HELP-)

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