🐻Movies and Cuddles🐻

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Dreamnoblade||Ender Dragon dream au||Piglin Techno||Dream uses all pronouns :)||Techno uses He/Him Or They/Them


@_Unknown_Raven_ is this what you needed in your life my child


Techno and Dream were both sitting on their bed thinking of what to do "Ooh Techno wanna watch a movie?" Dream asked the Taller, Techno looked down at Him "Hm sure I guess" Techno responded getting up, and grabbing the cover while getting up.

They both walked downstairs and dream ran to the kitchen, leaving techno in the living room "Wow He's like a child when it comes to movies" He said to no one in particular.

---------------------Meanwhile in the Kitchen-----------------------

Dream was popping some popcorn for the movie, He flew over to the fridge, before dropping himself out of the air, grabbing soda and water, He grabbed his phone and checked the time it 6:09 P.M.

'Oh Sweet we can watch a movie and it will be night' Dream thought, after a bit the popcorn was done, so he got the popcorn out the microwave and poured it in a bowl.

Dream ran to the living room, as techno was coming down with a cover and his neck pillow on his neck "Baby Can You Go Get The Drinks I Left On The Counter?" Dream asked softly trying not to yell, techno nodded setting the cover down on the couch and going to the kitchen.(B.C.Y.G.G.T.D.I.L.O.T.C:})

techno came back with the drink Having two Extras so if they ran out of their drinks they had extra, at Last they were sitting and Picking a movie.

T:Lets watch 'Veronica'




T:Fine, Scream

D:Sure(has watched it 69 times)

Lets say at the end, they were both asleep, under the cover cuddling.


This is so short but it has 283 words.

 Bye my little cubs :)

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