🐻Movie night!🐻

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The next chapter will be fluff turning into angstt

Assassin punz au||Baker dream au||



Dream was on his phone trying to beat a game(Geometry dash)and failing miserablely until punz came in the room "dream I have a mission on Friday, so we might have to delay movie night for a bit" punz said, dream on the other hand was focused"mhm wait WHAT?!"he yelled sitting up and throwing his phone "yea..." 

(I'm trying to blow up my child phone while they are at summer camp @Wisteria_isdumb IM BLOWING YO PHONE UP)

"Babe that's like in 2 days, we even have a movie picked out!" (pick a movie idek)

"I know! But this mission is important"

"Pft 'important' fine!"

"Baby come on! You know how much I get from doing this plus this is a assassination on a rich guy!"

"Fine! But if we don't get our movie night in I swear I will break up with you!"


"Wait! I have a idea!"


"We could have our movie night on thursday"

"Sounds like a plan"

Punz then kissed dreams cheek "Wait today is wednesday so tomorrow is our movie night" punz said before leaving the room "Yep!" Dream yelled since punz had left the room.


Dream was bouncing all day since they were gonna watch *insert what movie y'all want them to watch* and he had never saw it "baby can you go get some covers and pillows" dream said, punz nodded and went up.

Dream ran to the kitchen making a bowl of popcorn and getting drinks, then when the popcorn was finished he went to the kitchen and saw punz putting pillows scattered around the living room near the couch so they could be comfy if any of them fell.

Dream put the bowl and sodas down, and sat down putting the movie on (Where is the movie y'all want them to watch Netflix Hulu prime paramount+)

At the end of the movie dream was fast asleep on punz chest so punz turned the tv off and went to sleep

349 words yeaaaa Ok so I'm traumatized because of this little thing I just messaged to my child and might have traumatized them to :(

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