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Dreamnobur || Ender Dragon dream au || Brute Techno || Dream uses He/Her || Fox Wilbur au || Nikinoblade friendship || Techno is not in sbi

@Wisteria_isdumb   ,   Is this what you wanted?

TW:None I think?

Dream, and Wilbur, well Dream, Had been asking the top for kids, Techno always saying no, until one day.."Techno can we please have kids, I need a savior to help my badonkadonk" dream saying the last part, both techno and Wilbur look at him "Know what FINE!" Techno shouted.

Both Dream, And Wilbur jumped up and down. The next day at 12:30 P.M. they went to the adoption center, not wanting to make a baby of their own (Ehem Dream Is a ender dragon and both genders if ur a ender dragon can give birth).

They went to the front "Oh Hi sirs are you looking to adopt today or come to pick out a child and come back tomorrow and get them?" The lady asked "Niki How's mom?" Dream asked her "Puffs is good but you adopting!? IM TELLING PUFFS" niki said as she stood up "So we only have 5 kids left That's ranboo, that's fundy, that's Connor, that's Callahan, that's XXXXXXXX, now dream you know Connor and Callahan as you gave birth to them but still do you want them and any of the others?" She asked.

Dream clicked his tongue "Techno, Wil can we please get them all but not XXXXXXXX?" Dream asked, Wilbur nodded but he only needed technos approval so he won't have his badonkadonk get destroyed.

Techno Nodded, "We are taking them all minus XXXXXXXX Niki!" Dream said in experience and excitement as he raised Connor and Callahan when they were only 2 years old "Okay please sign this to adopt Ranboo, Fundy! Since of course you have given birth to the other two." Niki said before glaring at her best friend that was married to her soon-to-be-stepson.(Connor and Callahan are twins and they are 4, Ranboo and Fundy are 3)

"Hurt him and I slit your throat." niki said to both w and t, techno glared back like the demon he is, saying "why would I Even hurt him he's a angel?" The tension between the besties was Like...Practically thick enough to be cut with a knife.

At home!

When they all got home, dream remembered the box of things he had when he was ranboos age, sharing a room with his brothers nightmare, lucid, and Exdee.

(So this sibling Dynamic is based of of Ricky Nicky Dicky and dawn, Nightmare is Ricky, Lucid is Nicky, Exdee is Dicky and dream is Dawn but they were 12 instead of 3)

Dream practically ran down into the basement of their shared home, checking it to make sure it still had everything, it did, it had both bunkbeds with the instructions! So Techno came down and saw what he was doing

 "Okay what the actual f-"  


"Sorry sorry what the actual duck is that?" 

 "Better, but this is my childhood beds"


"I'm a Quadruplet"


 "Shut up you muffin" 

"bad is realllly rubbing off on you"

" I know"(41th quotion mark!)

"but how does it fit In that box? THE BOX IS SMALL!"

"Idk but lets put it together in the spare room!"

"Wilbur put his band stuff in there for some reason"

At that dream inhaled sharply "WILBUR MINECRAFT SOOT!" dream yelled, see when dream yelled it was most likely out of anger, especially when yelling his husbands FULL name.

Meanwhile with Wilbur upstairs shaking in fear while the kids were playing in some cotton, Techno had sadly sheared from friend, but luckily friend grew wool back and it was still blue!

Wilbur slowly back away to the basement door "Yea...?" He said in fear "Come.down.here.right.now" Dream replied balling his fist in a fit of anger, Wilbur practically ran down the stairs.

Wilbur looked around and say techno in a corner and dream in the middle of the basement "Now explain why you put your Guitar, Drum set, AND piano in our spare room?" Wilbur gulped "W-Well I didn't know where else to put them so it was either the basement or spare room" Techno shook his head as if saying he should picked the basement "Whatever go upstairs and watch them I'm going outside to cool off" Wilbur nodded and ran up the stairs with dream trailing behind.

Techno grabbed the box and went upstairs and walked up another pair of stairs and walked to the guest room and put the box outside of the door then started to move wilburs stuff and put it in the basement.

Once he was done he put the box inside the room, he had to wait for dream because he had the instructions and dream wanted to build it.

That's the end, I will make a part 2!

I'm just tired

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