💔is this goodbye..?💔

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Dreambur that's all--Picture above is not mine

Song that will appear in this chapter: Goodbye to a world

TW:Death, blood, guns, hanging

Authors p0v

Wilbur and dream were getting ready for date night, both friend and patches were at dreams brothers house. 

----------------------In the middle of the date-----------------------

Wilbur and dream were eating peacefully, that was until A random drunk person with a gun came in, and started shooting up the place.

They both hid under the table "Dream its okay stop crying love" dream was in fact crying, he was scared to die, he was scared his loved ones would die.

All of a sudden Wilbur felt a sharp pain in his chest, he put his hand where it hurt at and saw blood "Ahah I think I'm dying but that's okay cause Wilbur always bounces back" Wilbur said sadly, dream looked at him scared "no no no no don't leave me! Who would take friend! Just hold on it will be over! please don't leave me wil..." Wilbur looked at dream sadly "see you on the other side dré..." That was wilburs last words... At least what we think for now.

Dream on the other hand was full on sobbing he couldnt have his only love leave him "Wil wake back up this isn't funny!" He hears the shots stop, so he looks and see the massacre but the guy is gone, he quickly gets out with Wilburs dead body he calls the police.


"I'm really sorry for your loss"

"No no no he's not really dead...right?"

The nurse looks down at her feet "...he's really dead Mr soot" dreams eyes widen "Mr...Soot?" The nurse looks up "Oh! He told me to tell you before he passed away he was gonna purpose, and gave me this ring to give to you..." Dream starts to cry.

He snatches the ring and runs out the hospital into the pouring rain, going straight (gay) to his car getting in a calling Phil to tell him

"Hey mate what do you need?"

"Um *sniff* so something happened and it just so happened that..."


"Wilbur is dead..."

There was silence on the other line until the phone hung up and he heard a speeding car come to the hospital, he steps out his car and going into the hospital to warm up.

When the minecrafts got there, they all looked as if they were going through the five stages of grief, which they and dream were, Techno looked worser of course he did that was his twin, his birth brother.

They all ran over to dream "Dream tell us what happened" Phil said in a hurry for what reason? I DONT KNOW! 

"Ok so tonight was out date night and we went out like usual and a random guy who was most likely drunk had a gun and started shooting me and wil got under the table but one of the bullets bounced of the slime and hit under our table hitting wil straight in the chest" 

Techno looked dream dead in the eye before turning around 'I swear the only person who would be drunk enough to shoot Wilbur is Jared' techno thought dream quickly picked up on this seeing how techno had one name when he pulled out his phone and made a note for himself and it read...

Note to self murder Jared in 4 days :)

------------------------------at the funeral------------------------------

                                        "Thank you..." 

Dream said, Phil tried to grab him but gave up a minute ago and Phil was back out again to get dream "its gonna rain mate" Phil said trying not to sound... Depressed?

                                  "Ill say goodbye soon..."

Then Wilbur ghost floats over to dream 

"Hm oh its the end of my life..! Don't blame yourself..."

                                 "Now....thank you..."

Dream said before getting up and making his way to his car, opening the door and getting in have one plan in mind....

When dream got home, he quickly made sure that the animals were safe will Exdee, which they were so dream grabbed a rope tied it to the ceiling getting a chair and he....

                                        He hung himself :(

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