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Dnf as angst but this chapter is Awesamdream||this is just a free way to vent but instead its Physical not mentally and emotionally ||no comfort ship || Trans dream 

TW : Abuse, blood, dead naming, r@p3:(

George and dream had been dating for a while now, and well it had not been good as George found out dream was trans 2 years ago and since dream was a girl he thought he could take advantage of him.

George became abusive to dream, but kept streaming even if dream came to the face cam, none of the others knew about this because if they did dream would most likely be killed by George since george doesnt want  anyone to know he's abusive.

Lets skip to now :(

July 4th XXXX

George was not streaming neither was dream so they both had free time dream was not wearing his binder since George hates the binder and would hit him if he saw dream wearing it.

Dream was currently cooking "Destiny where is my f-(no)-ing food!" George shouted from the living room "please don't call me by my dead name and its almost ready" Dream said in a small tone George got up Immediately.

"I can f-(no)-ing call you what the hell I want!"

And with that he...hit dream, dream covered his face to avoid any other hits making georgebitchfound mad "after dinner I want you in the d-(NOOO)-mn basement" venom in his voice.

In the basement was a lot of... Things... Which was why dream is usually scared of the basement

"G-George dinner is ready" dream said in of course that smol tone from earlier, George got up to eat turning off the TV and began walking to the dining table.

There was steak laid out on the table for dinner luckily dream knew how to cook so George wouldnt have to do anything But that might have backfired a bit cause George easily took advantage of dreams cooking skills and took credit for everything whenever family came over.

After dinner Sam came over Despite George not wanting him to come over he hugged dream he already knew dream was trans but he always wore that damn binder so it was weird when he felt a bump on dreams chest knowing he would never get pregnant cause of the thing goerge had.

(Its like Azoospermia uhhhhh I forgot but it like prevents men from having kids cause they only have 1 million drop of sperm instead of 10 million)

He looked down and saw dream not wearing his binder "Why are you not wearing your binder like usual" he Whispered dream looked up and ask Gregory if they both could talk outside George saying yes he dragged Sam outside making sure no one was listening but luckily Sam was indeed recording it.

"Sam listen to me I'm being abused by gogy because he knows I'm transgender"

"Wait wha-"

"Yea yea I know 'Wait what!' It doesn't matter just help me and pretend like you don't know"




They went back inside and hung out normally

When Sam went home/to the prison since he warden >:)

The 'lovers' were in there room dream afraid of falling asleep and George trying to touch dream in wrong spots


Dream felt his shorts and underwear get tugged off by a hand that he identified as Georges hand, he gasped as a finger graced his clit "S-Stop please" dream said sobbing.

This was the first time it ever escalated to this making dream feel uncomfortable about this especially when its without consent.

A finger roughly got pushed into his clit "STOP GEORGE PLEASE!" Dream screamed 2 more fingers got pushed in all at the same time making dream scream in pain

(I cannot handle 3 fingers in my pussy D: )

George kept thrusting his fingers in and out dream screaming in pain each time he pushed in, then he took his fingers out and pushed his cock I to dream making a pained expression appear on dreams face as he/she screamed loudly in pain.

George roughly trusted himself in and out "Destiny stop struggling your making this harder and making me hornier" dream shook his head and began scooting himself off the bed not working because joerge wrapped his weak ass arm around him.

George came inside of dream knowing he couldn't get 'her' pregnant.


dream woke up with tear marks on his face and cum dripping out of him panicking he ran to the window and luckily saw a police car come in the driveway he knew that all night would be enough time for Sam to tell the rest about this.

He saw a lot more and then they knocked when George woke up "Go answer the f-(no)-ing door slut" he said "AND PUT ON SOME DANG CLOTHES" dream quickly went and put some shorts and a shirt on while George went in the shower seeing him in the mirror.

Dream ran to the door and opened it seeing a random police officer "Are you Dreamwastaken?" He asked "Yes..?" He slightly beamed with happiness as this abuse was about to end "Great and is a Georgenotfound here?" Dream gripping the door "yes..." 

"well tell him to come down here"

And with that dream ran upstairs "George whoever is at the door is for you~" he said a singing voice "okay" George said buttoning up his pants and following dream downstairs to see police in the living room "Put your hands now!" The sheriff yelled George put his hands up "You are under arrest for Abuse anything you say can and will but used against in court" George nodded and went willingly "Oh yea don't forget to charge him with rape in court!" 

All the officers look at George who's getting in the car Sam who was just now getting there yelled "WHAT THE F-(NO)-K RAPE!?" dream nodded "happened just tonight" Okay maybe dream might have been smiling at George while he was going to prison.

Dream and Sam hugged tightly "I'm so glad your ok Dreamie" dream started silently crying while a few officers began walking towards them 

"We need to ask you some questions ma'a-"

"Sir actually I'm trans he just...forced me to not wear my binder"

"Oh sorry but We need to ask you some questions SIR" the officer said making sure to get it right this time dream nodded and began answering whatever questions they had

Dream ended up staying with Sam and they started dating then got married the end!


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