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If the comments are 35+, I'll update once in two days or else whenever I get time. Cause my mids are from 27th March n sem from April 10th. So it's gonna be tough to find motivation to write in days like these


'I'm trying to get some sleep here!' Ro groaned in frustration as Vi was watching some show with high volume, which might be intentional.

'Then how am I supposed to hear what they are saying?' asked Vi, without tearing his eyes away from the TV.

'Do you really think I'll care about that?' asked Ro.

'Then what makes you think I'll care about your sleep?' Vi countered.

'If I had the option to choose, I'd rather share rooms with a pig.' Ro grunted, burying his face into his pillow.

'Trust me I'd choose any animal over you.'

They heard a  knock on their door and wondered who it was, cause it was 11:00 pm in the night.

'You go check it, anyways you are useless for anything else.' Ro mumbled.

'Maybe you should, cause other than sleeping you've done nothing.' retorted Vi.

'Are you guys awake?' as soon as they heard Mahi Bhai's voice they jumped out of the bed and couch respectively to attend the door before the other.

'I'll open it.' Ro shoved Vi's hand aside who regained his grip instantly and fought with Ro to open the door.

The knob turned rightwards and Mahi Bhai walked in.

'Why didn't you lock-' he fell at short of words seeing these two youngsters fight like kindergarten kids.

'What's happening here?' he asked sternly and they froze in their positions when they realised what they've done.

'You two will wake up at 5:00 am in the morning tomorrow and run 10 laps around the ground and then come back to practice by 8:00 am.' their captain spoke.

'I'm so sorry, actually-' Ro tried explaining but the captain was in no mood for their reasons.

'Nothing is gonna change this and if you try to argue or negotiate, it's only gonna increase.' he said sternly.

He pulled out his phone and sent a message to someone who's contact is saved as 'Suresh kaka' about two lads who'll be in the ground at 5:00 am in the morning. He then showed it to the boys and said, 'The watchman will keep an eye on you two, so don't skip it if you wanna continue playing for the country.'

'Yes sir.' Vi said, very disappointed with himself.

'And another thing, I don't care about why you two don't get along with each other but that's dangerous for the team when we'll be out there on the ground. So if you want to do something for your country and your game, mend your relation first.' saying that Mahi Bhai walked out of the room.

Ro peeped out to see if he was really gone or he's standing behind the door to hear them speak. After confirming that the elevator has moved to another floor, he closed the door and said, 'Look what you've done. Why are you so hellbent on ruining my reputation?'

'I bet no one on the planet is as stupid as you are. Don't you realise you are equally at fault? Also did you forget that it's you who started all this?' Vi tried reviving his memory.

'Me? No way!' Ro defended.

'The first time we met, I even offered you a cup of tea. But you refused me in a very rude manner.'

'Oh that! That's because you fought with my teammate. Why would I even want to talk to the guy who was bullying my teammate. I am the captain, afterall.'

'The captain who's unaware of what his teammates are upto. What a great captain you are.' Vi clapped sarcastically.

'Whatever it is, I'm sure he's not as rude and annoying as you are. I'm sure you tried showing off your power of being the captain and that's what made him pissed off, cause he's used to be around such a grounded captain' Ro resonated.

'That's absolute rubbish. And you know that too.'

'Fight as much as you want, you only have five and half hours left to sleep.' yuvi reminded them from the other side of the door and disappeared by the time they opened it.

They immediately stopped fighting and mentally decided to ignore each other as much as possible as with each other, they were at their worst behaviour.

'Good night papa, good night mumma.' whispered Vi under his blanket. He missed being fed by his mother and the divine feeling of laying in her lap while she patted his arm rhythmatically that made him doze off almost instantly.

He was away from her many a times due to domestic cricket but this was very different from that. He hated how the captain of the team already started developing a bad impression on him.

He got up to see if Ro was sleeping peacefully or if he was missing his family like Vi did, only to hear a wimper beneath the blanket that covered Ro from head to the toes.

And that was enough from him to understand that Ro was in the same position as he was and he understood why Yuvi said that Mahi Bhai wanted them to be in the same rooms - because they can empathize with each other.

He wanted to go closer and comfort him but Ro would definitely be embarrassed with himself for letting his guards down in front of his "Enemy"

That made him evaluate his behaviour with Ro. Ro didn't know what happened so he only saw Vi in bad light but Vi knew it and yet didn't bother to clear the air which led to them fight every time they saw each other.

He saw Ro with his teammates and other people and that was enough for him to realise what kind of a person he is and maybe he should just tell him the truth and clear the misunderstandings.

But the question " What if Rohit mocks Virat knowing the truth like the rest?" held him back.

He laid down again, hoping that Ro would be alright soon while missing his family himself and trying his best to not think about the past, at which he failed miserably.


Have you guys ever been in a hostel or away from your family? 

If you did, you'd understand the whimpers and the missings, otherwise that might appear to be a bit too much.

But as someone who stayed in a hostel for two years, I assure you guys that it's quite "normal".

So how's the chapter?

Stay safe and happy 🤍

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