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Rohit and Virat kept staring at Ajju while looking at each other occasionally.

'Did you hear me, Rohit?' Ajju asked him, waiting for him to go out of the room.

'Yes I did. That's why I'm waiting here for you  to start.' Rohit replied, not catching his point.

'He's asking you to go out, dumbass.' Virat decided to be the one to break it to him.

'No, why would my best friend say that to me?' Rohit shook his head refusing to believe it and gazed at his friend in horror who didn't oppose Virat's statement.

'Give me just five minutes please.' Ajju pleaded but Rohit was adamant.

Meanwhile, Mahi Bhai and Jaddu who were standing at the door waiting eagerly to see what he has got to say started getting impatient.

Jaddu walked into the room and began dragging Rohit out of the room.

Rohit couldn't figure out what was happening. First his friend asked him to get out of his room and then he was being dragged out.

'We've reached the corridor. You can now let go of me.' Rohit told Jaddu who seemed to be quite enjoying what he was doing.

'Oh, I actually thought this could be my arms workout. Anyways he asked you to step out of the room but maybe I can go in.' He wished.

And looking at the three out of the four teenagers, Mahi Bhai began thinking that along with cricket, the kids must have behavioral coaching as well.

Without meeting eyes with those standing at the door, waiting for him to start, Ajju closed the door. 

Virat began wondering what was so important that he had to close the door.

'Hi, I'm Ajinkya.' he first introduced himself and prayed that his hand didn't tremble as he lend it out for a handshake.

'I know.' Virat scowled but as soon as he saw Ajju smiling defeatedly with his head hung low and withdrew his hand, he softened.

'I'm sorry for being a jerk.' he took a step forward and embraced Ajju.

'No, it's alright. I understand where you are coming from but that's not needed at all. I have no intention of wrecking your friendship with Rohit. I'm really sorry if you-'

'Hey, this has nothing to do with you. You don't have to apologise at all. He's the one who started this drama.' Virat consoled Ajju at the same time as he accused Rohit.

'I don't remember who started but didn't you play along as well. So both of you are equally at fault. Anyways I just wanted to tell you that you don't have to worry about me as no one will ever choose me over someone else. So Rohit will also only choose you. So don't worry. That's all I wanted to say.' Ajju turned towards the door beginning to leave.

'Why would you think so? I don't know about your previous teammates or friends but that won't happen anymore. It's quite evident that Rohit loves you and Jaddu left our room very excitedly to talk to you. And I - I am really sorry for being a jerk but I'd love to be your friend.' Virat spoke sincerely. He didn't want anyone around him to feel left out or to underestimate themselves.

'It feels like I'm begging for sympathy or attention now. Anyways that's all I wanted to say. Take care.' he flashed a tight lipped smile and reached for the door.

And Virat felt so bad for him. Being an overthinker himself, he could estimate how much Ajju would have blamed himself for their fight.

'Um, Rahane.' Virat wanted to stop him, tell him that he's worthy or just speak anything good to him but he didn't know what to say.

'You can call me Ajju, that's what most of my teammates calls me.' he said.

'That's what Ro calls you too' Virat thought and realised that he needs to come up with a new exclusive nickname.

His face lit up when he found one.

'Jinks! That's what I'll call you.' he said enthusiastically.

'Jinx? What did I do?' asked Ajju, confused about the origin of the nickname.

'It's not J-i-n-x, I meant J-i-n-k-s. Short form of jinkya part of your name. If Aj can become Ajju, why can't jinkya become jinks?' asked Virat, who was partly disappointed for not being appreciated for his creativeness.

Jinks had never seen someone make a thesis on names before. He was sure even parents wouldn't put such effort in coming up with names for their children.

'That's such an interesting nickname.' he said.

And as Virat was talking to him, his mind lit up with another idea.

The top two priorities for him were:
1) Make Jinks feel loved.
2) Make Ro jealous.

He wondered how it's gonna be if he befriends Jinks too.

The door squeaked loudly as Rohit tried to peep in stealthily.

'I wanted to use the washroom. You guys are taking way too long.' he tried acting cool as he realised that his plan has failed.

'You can use the bedroom also if you want. I and Jinks are heading out.' Virat spoke in a fake sweet tone, fully intending to provoke him.

'Huh, what?' Rohit received yet another shock for the day.

'Come on, jinksy let's go. ' Virat clung his arm around jinks as they began walking out.

Jinks was in confusion just as much as  Rohit was.

Jaddu who was waiting for some drama to happen, almost jumped with joy as he saw Virat and Jinks walking out of the room together with Virat's arm draped around jinks's shoulder.

'I haven't expected this outcome and I'm pleasantly surprised. Wow.' Jaddu squeaked.

Mahi stood there wondering what he has got himself into.

Rohit was quite upset with what has happened. Not only did his dear friend desert him upon the arrival of his old friend but he also snatched Ro's friend from him.

Not knowing how to deal with it, he did the only thing he could think of,
'Mahi Bhai, look what he has done.' he whined while stomping his feet like a kid.


Hope y'all liked the chapter.

See you all tomorrow ( most probably but by Saturday morning for sure)

Stay safe and happy ❤️

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