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To all those who commented on the last chapter, thank you so much 💖


Virat thought a lot about it. He had to be blind to not see Rohit's growing affection towards him, which he wondered why. He hated Virat since the minute they met and was rude towards him whenever he had the chance to. Even after meeting in a different backdrop, the Indian cricket team where they weren't captains of the rival teams, Rohit couldn't tolerate him. And Virat had already given up trying to mend their relation and actively participated in their bickerings.

So when Rohit suddenly started talking sweetly to him and then argued with him in the next minute, Virat was confused. And after internally debating about it for so long he had finally decided to confront Rohit about it.

And that was exactly why he kept peering at Rohit when he entered their room after having dinner that night.

After being oblivious to it for ten minutes, Rohit finally realised it and questioned him about the same.

'Why are you gawking at me? This is becoming a routine.'

'Because you are bipolar and I don't understand why you'd be sweet to me one minute and argue with me the next minute.' Vi stated, matter-of- factly.

'That really depends on how you behave and has nothing to do with me.' Rohit wasn't in the zone to talk to Virat about the girlfriend debacle. Even if he had to, what should he tell Virat?

Virat would definitely be pissed off if Rohit talked against her, which was the last thing Rohit wanted as he decided to mend their relationship. But how on earth could he possibly talk good things about her?

'No, don't you dare bluff. You rejected me when I asked you to share a drink with me when we met for the first time. So why are you being nice now?' he asked and immediately added, 'at times.'

Rohit knew how stubborn Virat was, seeing him on the ground hundreds of times. So he understood that there was no escape from the conversation then and he had to give in the details. So he took a minute to carefully put together words that looked convincing as well as not offending.

He cleared his throat and said, 'I misunderstood stuff back then and had no idea what had actually happened. So I hated you for trashing Rakesh. That's why I never tried talking to you. But recently I got to know that it was him who was at fault and that I was fed lies by him. So I realised you weren't at fault at all which means I no longer have a reason to hate you. I'm sweet to you at times because that's who I am as a person, and an asshole to you at times because you can be really annoying at times.' he mentally applauded himself for handling it smoothly.

'So you don't wanna make fun of me now?' asked Vi in a low voice.

'About what?' asked a clueless Ro.

'About him forcing himself upon my girlfriend, like the rest of your team.'

'What? No! That has nothing to do with you. And were all my teammates assholes in this situation?' Ro asked.

'Well not all, but a few of them.'

'Give me their names and I'll deal with them when I see them again, also my bestfriend Ajay is the captain now, he'll take care of them.' Ro stated.

'So you don't hate me now?' Vi asked.

'No, not at all. And I don't wanna mock you about this as well.' Ro clarified before Vi could question him again.

'So what are we now? Friends?' Vi asked hesitantly. 

'I see no reason why we can't be friends.' he extended his hand for a shake hand at the same time Vi leaned towards him for a hug, realising it they decided to go by what the other person offered, resulting in them switching their gestures, only making it even more awkward.

'I guess we'll never be in sync.' Vi chuckled.


'Tell me about your family.' Vi prompted.

Ro was puzzled for a second upon Vi bringing it up suddenly. Vi, as if he could read it, added, 'Now that we are friends, shouldn't we know the basic stuff about each other?'

'Yeah right, makes sense.' Ro agreed and began talking about his parents, his brother and their lives.

'You have a girlfriend right?' Vi asked him, being  fully absorbed in the conversation, actively asking questions in between.

'Yeah, Ritika, my Ritsy, I couldn't have found a better partner than her. You know, in two months we'd officially be together for seven years.' Ro stated excitedly.

'That's amazing. So you guys were together since you were thirteen.' Vi said, doing the math.

'Yes, no one believed in our  relationship, infact they don't even do that now, they said we were too young to take things seriously then and now that we won't be able to do long distance and eventually break up.'

'I belive in you. I can see it in the way your eyes lit up each time you talk about her and how excited you get getting a call from her.' Vi stated sincerely to assure him.

' And in the same way I can see your heart breaking due to her.' It was at the tip of Rohit's tongue but he somehow swallowed it back.

'Also now that we are friends, I want to confide in you about something.' Vi said nervously.

'What is it?'

'I feel guilty for staging my unconsciousness and making Mahi Bhai feel guilty. I shouldn't have done that.'

'You aren't the only one at fault. Also this reminds me, what do you think his reaction will be seeing us becoming friends?' Ro asked.

'Don't you think we should announce it to him grandly?' Vi suggested with a mischievous grin splitting his face.

'Weren't you being guilty about foolish him until a minute ago?' asked Ro, vigorously shaking his head into a no.

'But we'll let him know the truth in the end right, please.' Vi pleaded ( hypnotized) him with his puppy eyes and Ro had no option but to give in.


Now that ten chapters are done in this story, what do you think of the story?

Stay safe and happy 💖

See you in the next ✨

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