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Thanks to every single one of you who had voted on the previous two chapters 💛

And special mention to :


(especially the spammers❤️)
Thanks a lot to all 15 of you for commenting on the last two chapters, that means a lot to me🫶


'You look like you are enjoying this.' Rohit scowled, as he looked at jaddu grinning.

'Um, probably.' he replied sincerely.

'Bhai, look at everyone playing with my plight.' Rohit whined as he leaned closer into the hug while Mahi Bhai patted his back gently, unaware of what to do.

'I have an idea.' Rohit said and Mahi Bhai began worrying while jaddu was excited.

'What is it?' jaddu asked excitedly.

'Bhai, you have to be with me everywhere I go.' he told Mahi Bhai.

'Unfortunately that can't happen. I can't choose between you too.'

'Won't you take sides ever? In any situation?'

'I won't.'

'Even if it's between bhabhi and yuvi pa? Wait I'll tell her this.' Rohit threatened him.

'You can't do that!' Mahi Bhai said, seriously blown by his antics.

'I appreciate your guts to threaten the captain himself. I'm enjoying joining this team so much.' Jaddu clapped his hands in excitement.

'Wait, till you meet us on the ground.' Mahi Bhai sweetly warned him.

'Fine, don't help me. First Virat left me and then Ajju. I thought I atleast had you, but thank you for proving me wrong.' Rohit spoke as he walked into his room and closed the door on their faces.

Though Mahi Bhai realised that Rohit was exaggerating, he genuinely felt bad for him. He wanted to help him but at the same time he didn't want Virat to feel that he's being partial to one of them as it's not true at all.

'What are you going to do now?' Jaddu questioned him.

Honestly Mahi Bhai wished he wasn't the captain or the senior of the time. He wanted those good olden days where he had no stress back.

'What's happening here?' They turned back to see Sachin pa standing there and that gave Mahi Bhai a huge relief.

Jaddu excitedly explained all that was occurring.

'First call everyone to practice. They can sulk on each other after practice. Ravindra, it's your duty to gather them all to practice. You have twenty minutes time. And Mahi, you are joining the practice at this very moment.' Sachin pa told them sternly and for the first time Jaddu stopped smiling.

'Sure Sir. I'll take care of it.' he said and reached out for his phone to call Virat while Sachin pa and Mahi Bhai walked away.

'Damn, he sounded so serious.' Rohit spoke as he came out of his room.

'How did you hear him? Were you eavesdropping?' jaddu asked him.

'No.' Rohit shook his head vigorously trying to sound truthful.

'I and Jinks are having fun, do you also want to join us?' Virat asked casually over the phone as he answered it.

'Are you mad? Sachin sir is very angry with the four of us and warned us to come to the ground in twenty minutes.' Jaddu told him.

'Oh my good.' Jinks had already started panicking.

'Relax Jinks, he's just pranking. I know him.' Virat assured him and hung up on him.

'Is he for real.' Rohit grunted in disbelief.

He called Ajju but Virat said he was only being jealous and didn't let him answer the call.

'I'm gonna kill him.' Rohit fumed and stormed towards the lift.

'Where are you going?' jaddu asked him.

'To them.'

'But how do you know where they are?'

'That idiot spends more time in the cafe than in our room.' Rohit replied.

As they reached the ground floor, they saw Ajju walking towards them.

'Where is Virat?' Rohit asked him.

'In the cafe. My parents have called me so I'm going to my room to show them my room.' he stated.

'Call them and say that you'll talk to them after a while. Both of you go to the ground.' Rohit told them and began rushing in the other direction.

'But where are you going?' Jaddu asked him but Rohit had already gone out of sight by them.

As Rohit reached the cafe he saw Virat drinking his coffee peacefully.

'You are literally the dumbest person I've ever come across. Sachin pa is very upset with you and you think it's a prank!' Rohit yelled at him in frustration.

'Well, I thought Jaddu was pranking like he always does.' Virat put his cup aside and got up panicking.

'And why aren't you answering my calls and messages?'

'Sorry, my phone's on silent. And it's in my pocket. I didn't know.' Virat apologised and they literally ran to the ground.

'But you could have just gone to the ground. Why did you come to me?' Virat asked him, panting insanely on their way to the ground.

'Because-' I'm not going to desert you like that.
'-I'm not an idiot like you.' he replied but this time Virat didn't believe him.

The practice had already begun by the time they reached the ground.

Sachin pa checked his watch when he saw them entering the ground and said, ' You guys are late. Join the practice now and you guys won't be permitted for any outings for two weeks.'

Mahi Bhai wanted to tell him that's it's unfair and that they are only kids but he couldn't speak against him.

'Am I clear?' Sachin pa asked them.

'Yes sir.'

Mahi Bhai felt bad seeing them in fear and guilt and just wanted to hug them and not take it seriously.

He also wondered what was wrong with Sachin pa as he rarely got angry.

He also wanted to say that he's the captain and he gets to decide what to do with them but again, he can't go against his very own Sachin pa.

The practice has started and the camp was unusually silent that day as no body wanted to face Sachin pa's anger.

Virat observed how Rohit was silent the whole time but didn't taunt Virat for being the reason even he's facing the punishment.

He has decided that it's time to make some serious amendments.


Planning to update el dolar tonight and kith and kin tomorrow. Let's see🤞

Stay safe and happy ❤️

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