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Guys Anushka liked Rohit's post ( Kl+ Rohirat picture with the caption "Together") 🥹🩷


Thanks to each one of you who've voted on the previous chapter ✨

And special mention to:


Thank you so much for commenting on the previous chapter. It honestly means a lot to me 🩷


'I want to talk to you.' Virat told Rohit, later that day as they headed back to their room.

'What is it?' Rohit asked, trying to maintain an expression that showed that he didn't care much.

'I have something for you.' and Rohit's face had immediately lit up.  For a second it felt aa if they were together like they used to be.

'What's that?' he asked.

'You have to close your eyes first.' Virat told him and also signalled him to sit down first.

Rohit was only growing excited but he didn't know if he could expect anything good as they weren't having a great relation.

He immediately obliged and sat down and closed his eyes with his hands and waited with anticipation.

'Is that Vada Pav?' he squealed with excitement as the aroma reached him.

'This isn't a food item.' Virat said.

'But I can smell Vada pav. Do you think it's coming from the window?' Rohit asked.

'I've just realised something.'


'From next time, I should ask you to close your nose as well.' and that confirmed the fact that Rohit had guessed it right.

'Oh my god, Vada pav. Can I open my eyes?' he asked.


'It smells so amazing. Where did you order it from?' Rohit asked as he began savouring his food.

'Is it tasty?'

'It is! I love this. Where did you order this from?' Rohit asked as he closed his eyes to have a moment.

'Ah, I'm flattered by your praises.' Virat couldn't hold his smile seeing Rohit devour the Vada pavs.

'Mo way, you mave it.' Rohit spoke with food in his mouth. 

'I mave it for leal.' Virat mimiced him.

'Stop making fun of me.' Rohit hit him playfully.

'So won't you ask why?' Virat began getting anxious as the time to speak his heart out had arrived.

'I completely forgot about it. What's the occasion? Did you find a new girlfriend?' Rohit didn't leave a chance to mock his relationship status.

'Shut up. I'd rather date a buffalo than a woman.' Virat clarified.

'I mean it's natural for you to want to date someone from your species but trust me Human females are worth giving a shot.'

'You are such an idiot.' Virat hit him with a pillow while both of them couldn't stop hiding their laughs.

'I missed this Rohit, most importantly I missed you.' Virat confessed and Rohit was taken aback with the sudden confession.

'I was worried that you'd want to spend more time with Jinks and would leave me. That's why even I behaved like a fool. But I -' Virat stammered as he didn't know the right words to let his feelings out.

Rohit noticed how his eyes have moisted and realised that he was just as important to Virat as Virat was to him.

'I missed you too and I was scared too. I got so used to you that the very thought of you giving someone more priority than me dreaded me. That's why even I went overboard with Ajju.' he confessed as he moved closer to Virat.

'You are my bestfriend Rohit. I don't think anyone would even be able to think of doing what you've actually done for me. I'm grateful to have found you just when I needed it and I'm also scared of losing you.' Virat stated his fear.

'And I consider you my bestfriend too Virat. I can't think of any single moment or occasion that made me closer to you and that might be because every single second has led to this. Anyways this is getting awkward now. I feel like I'm patching up with Ritika after a fight. But I promise on my dad, mom, brother, Ritika, god, cricket and everything dear to me that you'll always be my number one bestfriend.' Rohit assured him and Virat couldn't stop himself from wrapping his arms around Rohit tightly as he leaned in for a hug.

'I promise you that as well. I'll never chose any other friend over you, no matter for how long I know them.' Virat assured him as well.

'Enough of choking me. If you move aside, I have to eat.' Rohit teased him.

'Ofcourse, ofcourse. Such an amazing chef had made it and that's why it's so amazing.' Virat grinned.

'It's the magic of the dish.' Rohit replied while licking his fingers.

'Yeah, I've added a bit of my sweat to it. Hope it's tasty.' Virat joked and Rohit immediately stopped licking his fingers and looked at him in disgust.

'Doesn't matter what ever faces you make. You've eaten it already.' he grinned.

'Tell me you are lying or I'm gonna puke on you in 3...2...' upon not getting any reaction from Virat, Rohit made a puking sound and Virat tried running from him, only to fall on the floor.

'Ouch.' he rubbed his head.

'Oh no.' Virat thought Rohit was feeling bad for him until Rohit continued, 'There's already so much less matter inside that head, I wonder what's left now.'

'Shut up, I'm smart.' he huffed.

Their banter was put to a halt by a knock on their door.

Unsure of who was visiting them at that time and secretly praying that it wasn't their friend's , no best friend's friend, they've gone to the door at the same time.

It was Sachin pa.


The love birds have confessed lol 😂

And look at the coincidence, this is happening in the 45th chapter. I swear this wasn't planned.

Also what do you think about the match?

Thank god, Rohit is alright ✨

And that dropped catch from Jadeja!? 😬

If India wins tonight, I'll write and update another chapter tonight. 

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