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'What are you two doing here?' Yuvi pa's stern voice sent chills down their spines.

They immediately got away from Mahi Bhai and stood next to the bed on either side.

'Sachin pa betrayed us.' Virat murmured.

'Do you think he's taking revenge for hurting his kiddo?' Rohit whispered back.

'What are you two whispering about?' yuvi pa asked, inching closer to them.

'Actually- we- the thing is-' after failing to find the right words, Virat decided to just keep his mouth shut.

'Do you realise what you've gotten him into?' Yuvi pa gritted his teeth while the boys just wished that their trembling legs weren't too obvious.

'I'm sorry' Rohit's voice was barely audible.

Yuvi pa glared at them while they panicked to the core.

'Ok yuvi, it's enough now. You are scaring them too much.' Mahi Bhai spoke and Yuvi pa let out a boisterous laugh confusing Virat and Rohit.

'How was my acting? I'm better than Shah Rukh Khan right?' Yuvi pa asked, extremely proud and satisfied with himself.

'Aren't you angry with us?' Virat asked.

'Well I was initially, but it was him who acted recklessly so my anger shifted to him from you two. And then he reminded me of something I've done in your age, so I realised that I no longer had the right to be upset with any of you. So yeah, I'm not angry with any of you.' Yuvi pa stated,  taking out the box of laddoos he brought from home.

'This is entirely for me.' just when Yuvi pa was about to feed himself one, Mahi Bhai snatched that one from his hand along with the entire box.

'What did you do?' Rohit asked him hesitantly, still unsure if Yuvi pa isn't angry with them.

'Oh, he landed us in jail.' Mahi Bhai stated. 

'Jail? Are you kidding?' Virat asked, unable to believe his ears.

'That's the truth.' Yuvi pa said, unbothered about hiding his grin. He looked like he wouldn't mind repeating it again.

'What exactly happened?' Rohit asked.


Time when Mahi and Yuvi were of Virat and Rohit's age-

'This is our last day in London, we must do something to remember for ages.' Yuvi stated.

He and Mahi were out on a stroll. The ODI series with England was done and the team was set to return back to India the next day. While they weren't given any chance to play, the crazy side of Yuvi kept them entertained.

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