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300+ comments on the previous chapter, what the heck😭

It's my first time ( n ig the last time too)

You guys! 😭❤️❤️


'Look there's this street filled with food trucks, we must go there.' Ro exclaimed showing them his phone with the Google reviews being displayed on the screen.

'Yeah, look this says Delhi's kitchen. My mouth is watering already.' Vi screamed.

Mahi bhai drove them there and like kids in a candy store they got pretty excited and rushed to their respective stalls.

While Ro was busy examining the food truck with recipes straight from the streets of Mumbai and Vi at the Delhi's kitchen, Mahi Bhai was confused on which side to go.

Not wanting to take sides, he got seated near a table and rhythmatically tapped his fingers on the table observing them.

'Not two, I asked for two plates.' Ro was heard arguing with the vendor.

'What's wrong?' Vi immediately left his food on the table and walked to Ro, after hearing his loud voice.

'Nothing, he misunderstood my order.' after getting properly assured about it Vi walked back to the table and sat next to Bhai.

'Bhai, have some chole bhature.' he said, forwarding the plate towards him.

'No, wait.' they got startled seeing Ro scream and run towards them with plates filled with Vada pav in both his hands.

'No Bhai, you must eat mine first.' Ro said, pushing chole bhature away from Bhai and replacing it with his Vada pav.

'I've had both of them many times.' Bhai stated.

'Yeah, but you should eat it with me now.' Vi stated.

'No, you should eat mine.' Ro said firmly.

'Fine, I'll close my eyes and eat from any plate.' Bhai said, knowing that if not stopped, those two wouldn't mind spending the next ten hours bickering.

'You should close your nose too. What if you can sense the aroma and decide to cheat?' Vi asked.

'Right, chole bhature has such bland aroma and Vada pav's aroma makes mouth waters. So yeah Bhai, close your nose so that you won't be biased towards me.' Ro added.

'Fine, I'll do that.' Bhai spoke in a slightly louder tone to cut their banter.

After tasting both of the dishes, he made them eat each other's food as well, only to find them glancing at the other's plate while eating after tasting.

He smiled seeing them wanting to eat more of each other's food as they found it tasty but didn't want to say it out loud for the sake of their ego.

'I think you guys should exchange your plates. I mean, why don't you try something new?' he asked and saw their eyes beaming.

'I would rather prefer mine but I'll do it for you Bhai.' Ro stated pushing his plate towards Vi who looked equally happy.

'Yeah, me too.' Vi added before devouring half of the Vada pav in one bite.

'Oh my god, Mahendra singh dhoni!' they turned their heads in the direction of the squeal. It belonged to a man in his late twenties who was very excited as he spotted M.S. Dhoni.

'I can't believe it's you. Sir, will you give me a selfie?' he asked hopefully to which Mahi Bhai happily obliged.

'You'd also want to take selfies with these two. Cause tomorrow when they become superstars and the whole cricketing world talks about them, you can boast about how you have a picture with them.' Bhai said pointing at the young lads.

'I'm sorry, I don't know you two. What are your names?' he asked them politely to which they answered back before posing with him for the selfie.

With that, their admiration for their Mahi Bhai had just grew tenfold.

Mahi Bhai noticed them keeping their eyes glued to him all the way back to the hotel.  If he was atleast half as expressive as yuvi, he would have hugged them tightly by then. Seeing them look at him with such admiration and love only made him closer to his heart.

Vi's phone rang as they were in the lobby and his face instantly lit up making the other two understand who it was.

'Can I take this call and then come up?' Vi asked them.

'Yeah sure, we'll be leaving.' Ro said and took Mahi Bhai towards the stairs.

'Do you want to climb thirteen floors?' bhai asked him.

'No, we are eavesdropping.' Ro murmured.

'Listen to him carefully, he's gonna transfer money to her again.' he continued talking in a hused voice.

And it did happen.

'Why is he so naive? She doesn't deserve him.' Mahi Bhai stated, feeling extremely hurt for his kiddo.

'Exactly. Even I don't get that. It feels so ridiculous.' Ro grunted frustratedly.

'Before Isa, we must keep an eye on cheeku.' Mahi Bhai stated.

'What do you mean?'

'I feel he's hiding something. I do understand that he's extremely loving but he doesn't look dumb. What if she's blackmailing him or something?' Mahi Bhai suggested.

'Right, I've not thought from this angle before. That's a possibility too. Should I check his phone?' Ro asked.

'I know that's not the right thing to do but it must be done cause Cheeku isn't gonna tell that by himself.' bhai said.

'We need to know his password first. And then I'll check their chats while you divert him.' Ro said.

'Yeah, we'll do that.' bhai said.

They peeped down to observe Vi's expressions while he's on the call to try to understand what the conversation was like and just like they thought, he had a serious look on his face unlike the way he was, when Ro was in the room with him while talking to her.

'I swear I'll kill you if it comes out.' Ro said, staring at Vi.

'Huh, what?'

'I think that's what he said, his lip movement felt like that.' Ro said, trying to turn his hands into binoculars and observe Vi.

'We can't predict anything from here. Let's just head upstairs and plan properly.' Mahi Bhai told him to which Ro just hummed in response which forced bhai to drag him till the elevator of the nearest floor.

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