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I didn't write anything for just two days and that's enough for me to lose my momentum 😑


Thank you for commenting on the last chapter ❤️

Happy reading.


After the phone call was done, Mahi Bhai opened the door to see the rest three stand just by the door, seriously trying to eavesdrop.

'No, it's not my fault. I told them that it's very indecent. But they forced me.'  Rohit blamed the rest two.

'Same here, I told it's indecent but they forced me.' Virat said.

'Well but I don't recall you two refusing to do so. All I remember is you two nodding your heads in excitement when I came up with this idea.' Yuvi stated.

'Whatever, we should just head to practice now. We only have four days more.' Mahi Bhai said.

By the time they walked into the ground, the practice was already in full swing by their teammates.

'We'll have a practice intra sqaud match today.' Jammy Bhai informed them.

Jammy Bhai and Sachin pa were made the captains of the two teams and the players were selected via chits.

'Virat, you'll open the innings with me.' Sachin pa informed him and that made Virat both excited as well as nervous.

'I think Rohit should open. He's good in the middle order but I feel opening suits him the most.' Mahi Bhai informed his team's Captain Jammy Bhai.

'Yeah, he's gonna open alongside me.' Jammy Bhai agreed.

Sachin pa won the toss and elected to bat first.

'Go well Virat.' Sachin pa fist bumped him as they walked to bat. Though it was just an intra sqaud match, it felt like a World Cup going on for Virat.

He wanted to prove himself, wanted to show what he was capable of and wanted to make a place for him in the team and do his best for the country.

'Don't worry Virat, I'll go easy on you.' Zak pa who was set to bowl the first over, said that to Virat who was at the non striker's end.

'No, I don't want you to do that. I'd rather prefer scoring a duck than taking help from the opponent.' he said, firmly but respectfully.

'Don't try to intimidate him Zak.' Sachin pa told him.

Sachin pa opened the innings with his majestic straight drive and the rest of them, especially Rohirat stood there in awe, yet again.

With two straight drives in a row and a double, they took a run in the fourth ball, giving Virat the strike. Utilising the pace, Virat smashed two consecutive sixes.

'It's not always advisable to go agressive from first ball, especially when you aren't chasing.' Sachin pa advised him.

And Virat who thought that he was coming towards him to applaud him was a tad bit disappointed.

'Maybe he should go easy on you.' Mahi Bhai teased Zak pa.

'Mahi he's playing against our team.' Zak pa had to remind him to stop grinning so widely.

'But our kiddo after all. Now stop wasting time and bowl the last bowl.' he told him and went back to his fielding position.

Virat took a single in the last bowl, retaining his strike in the second over.

'Bhai, can I go and bowl please.' Rohit asked his captain who agreed immediately. Watching the youngsters play was what all of them wanted.

The right arm off spinner bowled his first ball who was hit straight to the boundary with a bounce just before the boundary.

'17 runs in four balls? You'll give away your wicket in this over for sure.' Sachin pa told him.

The field positions have been changed and Virat hit the second ball of the over straight to Jammy Bhai who was positioned at the deep square leg.

'Yay. You are my first wicket in international cricket.' Rohit told him, while doing a mini celebration.

'This is just an intra sqaud match and not international.' Virat replied to him dryly and walked back to the dug out scoring 17 runs in 5 balls.

'I should have paid heed to him instead of getting too excited. They'll question my skills now, not that it's wrong. Now I won't be given the chance to play against Australia. ' Virat sat, blaming himself and overthinking about what was going to happen.

Soon Sachin pa was dismissed and sat next to Virat who was lost in his own thoughts to notice him.

'Penny for a thought?'

'It's nothing Sachin pa.' Virat brushed it off, adding a smile to cover up.

'Oh really? By the way, any of us won't be underestimating you for getting dismissed quickly. You have the fire in you, I know that. But you are just too excited, and that not wrong too, but sometimes we got to keep our emotions in control while playing for our country.' Sachin pa stated, clinging his arm around a gloomy Virat.

'Are you sure? Also, sorry for not paying heed to you. I swear I won't let my wicket fall so easily from now on.'

'Don't fear of falling Virat, you have us all to pick you up, each and every time.'

'Stop joking Sachin pa, I'll be removed from the team if I fail to perform even after being given opportunities.'

'Well that's true. But I'm sure that's not gonna happen in your case. Trust me, you have a long journey here.'

'Sachin pa, look they are cheating.' yuvi had come to them, whining.

'Just tell him that dismissing him doesn't mean we are cheating.' Mai said and soon all the players left the ground and gathered around them.

'I'm sure his foot was outside the crease.' Yuvi stated, not willing to give up.

'So do you need a third Empire's review now?' Mahi asked him.


'Yuvi calm down. Though I love this nature of yours, don't fight like a child for everything. Just sit here silently.' Sachin pa  held him by his hand and forcibly made him sit next to him.

'Back to the ground guys.' Jammy Bhai ushered the rest back into the game.

The first innings was soon done and Sachin pa's team managed to score 197 in twenty overs.


How's the chapter?

See y'all on Wednesday

Stay safe and happy ❤️

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