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To the man who's the reason behind me loving cricket

To the man who taught me that we owe nothing to anyone as they'll always find ways to degrade us even after everything we do for them so whatever we do must be done for ourselves

To the man who inspires me to work hard and passionately for what I love

To the man who's the epitome of sunshine

To the man who can change my mood to joy by just looking at his photograph

To the man who's the most kind and humble celebrity

To the man who celebrates his dear ones success like his own

To the man who owns the crowds

To the man who never let's his hunger die

To the man who never leaves a chance to acknowledge his wife's role in making him a better person

Happy birthday ❤️

Love you to the moon and back multipled by infinite times.

Before you I hated the idea of worshipping a celebrity and now you are a part of my family.

You made me scream with joy as well as cry with dejection. That's the effect you have upon me.

Thank you for being the reason I found so much love in the form of ICT.

I love every single aspect of you, your goofiness, your aggression, your naughtiness, right arm quick bowler, the dancer, the singer, the husband, the cricket, every single thing about you!

I only wish God will be kind to you🥹

I only wish God will be kind to you🥹

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