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Look at my updates frequency lately, I'm so damn proud of myself and you should be too! 🥹


Thank you for commenting on the previous chapter 💖

'Did you see that? That's what I'm talking about. They leave no chance to fight with each other.' Mahi stated.

They walked out of the room and joined the rest for the practice.

'It's surprising. Something must have happened for sure. I think you should talk to both of them separately.' Sachin suggested.

'But they either hate me or are frightened or maybe even both. They won't open up to me.'

'No one can hate you Mahi. Give it just one more try, and then I promise I won't bring up this topic ever again.' Sachin ruffled his hair, lovingly.

'I know you do that every time you want me to do something.' informed Mahi but that didn't stop Sachin from doing that.

'Good that you know, I don't want to manipulate you either.'

'Someone get the ball!' the former captain jammy Bhai asked softly, instead of yelling like the rest.

'We should really get back to the practice.' Sachin suggested and that brought the end to the discussion about these two youngsters acting strangely.


Vi had gone to take a shower while Ro was laying on the bed peacefully.

His phone buzzled and he grunted as he got up from his comfortable set up and walked to the table.

He realised it wasn't his phone and that his energy had been wasted, until he read the message unintentionally.

Isa: Can we talk about it?

Isa: Please baby

Ro cringed as he was someone who hated all these names couples call each other with.

But then his mind showed him a visual of his teammate, Rakesh chatting with someone with the same name.

He wasn't sure about it but the name definitely looked familiar. He also recollected his friend, another teammate of his, Ajay teasing Rakesh, so he must know the name for sure.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket, after searching for it frantically all over the room.

He dialled Ajay's number and paced to and fro impatiently.

'I thought you forgot me!' Ajay said as he answered it.

'Hello to you too.'

'So how are you?'

'Actually Ajay, I need something.'

'Is this really Rohit Sharma, the guy who never asks for help?' he acted shocked, or Maybe he actually was.

'Yeah, well that day you saw Rakesh chatting with someone and teased him about it right. What's her name?'

'Isa, why? Are you attracted towards her too? Don't Ro, she's a- a bad word.'  Ajay stated.

'No, I'm not attracted to her at all!' Ro clarified.

'Don't be too, there are rumours that she dated that Delhi's captain also and cheated on him with Rakesh. So don't even let her thought cross your mind.' Ajay warned him.

Ro heard the shower getting turned off and understood that Vi will be out any time soon.

'Ok, I have to go. I need to be in the ground. I'll call you later, take care.'

'Ok, bye Ro. You gotta make us all proud. And I know you will. But don't stress yourself too much, both physically and mentally.' Ajay said.

'Yes, I'll take care and you too.' Ro told his friend and hung up.

Vi's phone began ringing and it was from Isa. To see his reaction, Ro knocked on the bathroom door and informed him about the same.

'Virat, Isa is calling you.' he said.

'No don't attend it.' Vi yelled from inside and came out in maximum ten seconds with a towel draped around his waist.

'Hello.' he spoke on the phone, panting.

Ro was surprised listening to the tone he spoke in. Wasn't he supposed to not attend her call or atleast talk to her in a rude tone?

'No, I understand darling. I trust you.' he spoke.

'I'll inform you about that soon. But I swear I'll meet you in this week.'

Ro found it extremely hard to control himself from snatching that phone and throw it out of the window.

'Fifty thousand? Yeah, I'll do it right now. Take care baby. I love you.' Vi looked quite happy when the call ended.

And Ro heard the notification sound of gpay, that indicated that Vi transferred the money to her. Maybe that's why she got back to him.

'I'm unable to see you naked, can you put on some clothes?' he asked Vi, just to get him away from that phone, and her.

'Can't you see this towel? And if you can't see, you can go outside.' Vi replied with his gaze still fixed to his screen and that never fading smile on his face.

Ro wanted to do something about it.  He knew she's just using Vi. But he didn't have the authority to tell him that.

He opened the settings on his phone and played his ringtone before acting as if attending a call.

'Hello Rakesh, how are you?' he asked to get Vi's attention and he did get it as Vi looked at him, with his smile switching to a angry look.

'What? You broke up with her? That's amazing.' he said and saw Vi's fists pumped up.

'She might have found someone richer than you. Anyways, that's a good riddance Rakesh.' he didn't know why he was getting so involved in that situation.

Maybe the guilt for being rude to Vi even in those days when Vi tried talking to him nicely, that too due to a misunderstanding made him do that.

'You don't get to talk that way about my girlfriend.' Vi snarled and headed towards him to snatch his phone.

But before he could do that Ro quickly shoved it into his pocket cause Vi would be further pissed off if he saw it was all an act.

'Tell your teammate that if he ever talks about her, I'll rip his tongue apart. If he doesn't stay away from her, this time I'll kill him for real.' he threatened.

'And you stay away from this issue. You didn't bother to know the truth earlier when you supported him and now when things are finally normal don't you dare interfere and ruin it ' he warned him and headed towards the door, probably to go out.

'You can go out but before that maybe you'd want to get dressed.' Ro informed him, almost dying while trying to control his laugh.

Vi froze in his track and moved towards his closest and went back to the bathroom with clothes in his hand.

'I'd definitely interfere in this now.' Ro thought.


I hope it's getting interesting for you all to read 🤞

Stay safe and happy 💖

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