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And then Virat hit a boundary and won the match for us. The camera zoomed at Virat when Mahi Bhai had hugged him and said something to him which instantly lit his face.

I wanted to be there too, to be a part of his first success. This match is going to be etched as a core memory for him and sadly, I wasn't a part of it.

On the screen Virat was seen texting someone on his phone and my phone immediately buzzed. It was a message from him.

Virat: I hope you didn't forget to take your medicines.

The camera then switched to the cricket experts discussing the game while I texted him back.

Me: Yes, I took all my medicines.

I put back the phone on the nightstand and immediately took my medicines and checked the reminder app to see why I wasn't notified that I have to take my medicines only to see that I've not turned it on.

The medicines made me feel drowsy so I turned off the lights and laid on my bed.

'Are you asleep?' I heard a whisper, close to my ear.

I instantly opened my eyes and saw Virat standing next to my bed. I looked at the clock and noticed that I have been asleep for an hour and the team had returned back to the hotel.

'I've seen the match. You were amazing.' I told him as I tried getting out of the bed but he stopped me.

'I missed you in the bus.' he mumbled as he sat next to me.

'I've watched the entire match. And what were you talking to Gilchrist?' I asked him as I've seen him exchange a few words with him with a serious expression on his face.

'He was trying to provoke Mahi Bhai so I kinda argued with him.' he stated.

'You fought with your idol?'

'Not fight exactly but I wouldn't have minded it if he continued what he was doing.' he said.

'Would you do that for me?' I immediately regretted asking him that. What if he said no?

'Ofcourse. You and Mahi Bhai are the closest to me here and then Sachin pa. If it's you vs anyone else, on any day I'd choose you three.' he said firmly.

'But I don't think I'll do that for you.' I teased him.

'I still remember the Isa incident. So you better stop lying.' he chuckled.

I heard distinct voices and it striked to me that the team was partying while the hero of the match was in his room, with me.

'Why aren't you celebrating with the team?' I asked him.

'I'm tired.' he said not looking at me which he does every single time he lies.

Was he in the room for me, because I'm alone?

'Ro how are you feeling?' Mahi Bhai walked in with cake smeared on his face.

Before I could answer, he wiped the cake with his hands and smeared it on both of us.

'Bhai, no.' I tried to stop him but ofcourse he wouldn't.

'Why should you two miss the celebrations?' he replied as he handed us the tissues to wipe off the cake that was smeared by him in first place.

'You guys were phenomenal today.' I let my admiration out, carefully hiding the dejection part.

'I know that you'll be phenomenal too, in the third match.' bhai said sitting between the both of us and Virat quickly clung onto his shoulder.

'And this boy had already began fighting with players on the field.' Mahi bhai playfully twisted Virat's ear but that look on his face showed that he enjoyed seeing Virat fight with his idol for his sake.

'I'm not a boy, I'm a man.' Virat pouted as he rubbed his ear.

'You are a nineteen year old kid.' I teased him.

'Who sometimes acts like a five year old baby.' Mahi bhai added.

'Not fair that you two are teaming up against me.' he whined.

'We all are of a single team.' Mahi bhai spoke and draped both his arms around the both of us.

A yawn slipped out of Virat's mouth and Mahi bhai advised him to sleep.

'No, let's watch some film. There's -' the rest of his words got lost in the yawn that slipped his mouth.

And seeing him yawn made me yawn as well.

'Both of you should go to sleep now.' Mahi bhai said as he stifled his yawn.

'Bhai you are sleepy too. Sleep with us.' Virat pleaded him.

'Yes bhai, please.' I added.

'And what about yuvi?'

'Yuvi pa will sleep with us too. No, your captain suite has a bigger bed than ours, so I and Virat will come to your room.' I stated.

'One day, you'll get the captain suite for yourself but for now sleep in your room.' he chuckled and got up to leave.

Virat hugged him as he wished him goodnight. Mahi bhai stopped in his track and spun around and said, ' You guys have a surprise in a few days.'

'What is it?' both of us asked excitedly.

'That you'll see for yourself. Good night.' he shut our door and left.

'What do you think it is?' Virat asked me as he covered me with the comforter.

I thought I would be pampered the most by my parents but this guy proved that I'm completely wrong.

It's just a sprain but he's acting as if it's a fracture.

'I don't know. He shouldn't have said it now and put us in suspense.' I stated, wondering what the surprise was.

'Exactly. Now I won't be able to sleep.'

'Don't overthink about it with your tiny brain. Acha tell me how was your experience today?' I asked him.

'Oh I mentally made a list of all the things I wanted to tell you.' his voice was suddenly filled with excitement as he began narrating everything that has happened that day.

'And then -' he suddenly stopped talking.

'Virat, what's wrong?' there was no response and I limped to his bed to see him dozed off.

I pulled up his comforter and went back to my bed, wondering if our beds must be arranged side by side instead of this distance.


The number of readers who comment on my story has decreased and I hope the reason isn't because you guys are bored.

Also what do you think is the surprise Mahi Bhai was talking about?

See y'all in the next update

Stay safe and happy ❤️

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